
The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Aries, and it’s a good time of the lunar month for giving close relationships special attention. It’s also a time when you seek out feedback or a better sense of balance and perspective more than usual. Two enjoyable areas of life seem to be competing today as the Sun in your communications sector clashes with Jupiter in your professional sector. You want to expand your horizons in your career or public life, set goals, and set your sights higher than usual, but personal interests also call. Watch for the tendency to overdo or act out due to restlessness today. Try to avoid overdoing something to compensate. The temptation might be to go big when simplifying would serve you best.


Good energy is with you for spotting a great deal and for business ideas in general, dear Taurus. You might fully enjoy performing services, coming to the aid of people in your life, or working hard at getting something sorted on your own. It can be a fine time to see new ways of doing things that improve or make your life a little more enjoyable. You want to be useful or productive with the Moon’s transit of your work and health sector. Still, with the Sun and Jupiter forming a minor challenging aspect, it can be a little too easy to push a good thing and go too far. Overindulgence is a possibility now if you’re not in touch with what’s making you feel discontent. The desire to expand your horizons can compete with a need to stick with familiar situations. Thinking in big terms is a good thing now, but actions should be moderate for best results.


Expressing affection comes naturally today, dear Gemini, with the Moon in your creative, expressive solar fifth house harmonizing with Venus in your sign, even with Venus retrograde. You’ll find creative ways to enjoy and express yourself. You may be putting more than usual energy and effort into your creations. You can experience a strong pull to be especially present in the world around you with the Sun in your sign, but an equal tug toward introspection–to observe or retreat within yourself or become absorbed in a project. Be careful not to promise more than you can deliver because even though you mean well, you can fall short of your promises as the Sun and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect today. Still, it’s a fine time to think in bigger terms than usual. Acting on your ideas might be better saved for another time.


The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, dear Cancer, and this can be a time for a hiatus of sorts, whether it’s merely about unplugging for a bit or getting extra time to rest. Honor your needs for familiarity and comfort away from the demands of the outside world when possible. Your special wisdom comes from self-awareness and self-knowledge, and you’re enthusiastic about gaining some emotional understanding. Today’s Sun-Jupiter aspect can spotlight an inner conflict between wanting some space for yourself and the urge to share. If you focus on making improvements instead of grand gestures or big moves, you’ll enjoy yourself and your relationships more fully.


The Moon transits your communications sector today, dear Leo, and you seem to have an increased need for stimulation, especially of the mental variety. You’re in good shape for information gathering and diversifying. You have a greater interest in your daily routines and work these days. While this is rewarding, you may be overdoing your attention to the smaller tasks today at the expense of the big picture and your needs to enjoy yourself elsewhere. Sometimes you need to relax and let go, which can be difficult to do in spots. Try not to pack everything into one day and instead look for better ways to balance your life. Connecting with your inner wisdom comes more easily when you relax and center yourself.


You’re looking good today, and you’re inclined to make smart moves with business and money, dear Virgo, although you may want to watch for overdoing things, in general. You’re looking to get comfortable and settle in today. Your money situation, valuables, and comfort needs assume more importance with the Moon’s transit of your resources sector. Aim to avoid overdoing or overstating with a Sun-Jupiter challenge influencing the day. It’s best to watch for exaggeration or drama. The trick is to think in terms of improvement rather than expansion. Bigger is not always better, and this is especially so today. If you find your emotional center today, it can be an excellent time for connecting with a passion or ambition.


The Moon slips into your soul sector today, dear Libra, signaling it’s time to find ways to heal and regenerate. It’s a good idea to watch for too hasty or critical communications. Speaking vaguely or prematurely can also be a problem now. However, you can’t expect to control what others interpret, and true friends and supporters will give you the benefit of the doubt. If possible, take a break or slow yourself down to get your bearings. Pushing forward right now may lead to a series of minor frustrations. The balance between what’s idealistic and what’s realistic is not likely to be found now, but you’ll see the bigger picture soon. You may need to do some mental swinging before getting to the middle ground. A Sun-Chiron aspect, also active today, helps open you up and get you back to your usual reasonable self. Your ability to mix the small details with the big picture is strong now. Be generous and gracious about others’ input, and you’ll be in even better shape. Great energy is with us for learning from our mistakes.


Today’s energies are excellent for investigation and getting to the heart of a problem, dear Scorpio. Still, there can be some misunderstandings or delays to navigate. A couple of minor but nagging influences can challenge your perceptions or delivery, and there may be some tensions revolving around opinions and ideas. Try to look beyond words chosen to the intentions behind the communication. You might decide to get your mind off people-problems by focusing on something more manageable and predictable. Patience is needed now! Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect helps you express some of your more complicated feelings with relative ease right now. It’s a good time for efforts taken towards healing, either physical and emotional. It’s also a strong time for appreciation of your unique perspective or talents regarding work and health. Research can lead to new or improved methods to better enjoy your daily life, whether it’s about work or self-care programs.



You may want to immerse yourself in a project or a person today, dear Sagittarius, but practical responsibilities that need more immediate attention can challenge this. Still, this brief blockage may strengthen your resolve to work things through. Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect active today helps balance things out. You are standing out from the crowd, particularly on creative and romantic levels. It’s a fine time to believe in your abilities and quietly go about your tasks. A partner or friend could point you in the direction of creative change and inspiration. Sharing activities, ideas, and entertainment with people you care about can be especially healing and could help cement a bond. People are attracted to your more unique qualities and talents. It’s a good time to recognize your vulnerabilities and work with them in positive ways. Avoid worrying about your abilities and simply do your best and enjoy yourself for best results now.



The more open and generous your approach today, dear Capricorn, the more rewards seem in the offing. A Sun-Jupiter trine helps you see the benefits of current projects and boosts your outlook, in general. There may be a romantic attraction that motivates you. You’re interested in growing and improving in your creative pursuits and connections, as staying the same doesn’t appeal. Your best self shines through in what you’re doing, and the day has every potential to be empowering. You’re likely to crave a change of pace or a break from the usual routine. You may be teaching in some capacity now, or you could be learning something new and different that’s inspiring. A new channel for expressing yourself might open up, and a surge of enthusiasm brightens your day and your vision of the future. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play, and routine tasks are unlikely to satisfy you. Your mind is wandering, or you’re dealing with a multitude of distractions. You may be seeking a higher purpose or something more satisfying related to work or routines and habits. While there can be some difficulties prioritizing, if you let go of this need, you’ll be in fine shape.



This can be a fine day for cooperating with others, dear Aquarius, and good feelings tend to be reciprocated. There is a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Still, you’re seeking a little more meaning from your pursuits or relationships than usual today, and you’re happy to see signs of improvement and growth. It’s a good time for tapping into your intuition. Radiating an expectation of success with people you love does wonders for you now, but so can some introspection. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter influence suggests you may have too much information to make the bigger decisions, or the news you receive now is missing key points or is misleading. You’ll feel less stress if you let go of the need to find definitive answers today. Enjoyable activities are most relieving.


Today’s good for dreaming up big ideas that help boost your confidence, dear Pisces, particularly on social levels and related to your interests or studies. It’s a fine time for gaining trust or developing and growing a relationship or even a project. The Sun in your communications sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your social sector, and conversations are generous, open, and meaningful, although somewhat meandering later today. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. You are more invested in your relationships today, and it makes sense to approach your day with an open mind and heart. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect also active today suggests that you may have too much to think about to the point of stress, perhaps related to your personal/home life or friendships. Meaningful, spirited conversations are favored over small talk, which can fall short right now