IIT Jodhpur scientists develop ‘CODE’ device for good indoor air quality

 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur researchers have developed a novel Cold-plasma Detergent in Environment ‘CODE’ device for good indoor air quality. The device has been tested extensively which deactivates more than 99.99 per cent of harmful pathogens and provides quality indoor air. “Air pollution is basically one of the top 5 risks causing chronic […]

Nvidia fixes Discord update slowing down user’s GPU issue

American technology company Nvidia has stated that there’s a fix for a recently discovered issue where the Discord update being open in the background limited the performance of some graphics cards. The Verge, an American technology news website, has reported that according to a tweet from the company, the patch will download automatically when […]

NASA’s retired Compton mission reveals superheavy neutron stars

Astronomers studying archival observations of powerful explosions called short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have detected light patterns indicating the brief existence of a superheavy neutron star shortly before it collapsed into a black hole. This fleeting, massive object likely formed from the collision of two neutron stars. “We looked for these signals in […]

Elon Musk reveals US demanded suspension of 250k Twitter accounts, including journalists

Twitter chief Elon Musk on Tuesday disclosed that US Government demanded the suspension of 250k Twitter accounts, including those belonging to journalists and Canadian officials, reported Fox News. He made the revelation while sharing the latest round of “Twitter Files,” which were made public by the journalist Matt Taibbi. 11.The […]

Elon Musk announces ‘server architecture changes’ on Twitter, says platform should ‘feel faster’

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has planned yet another set of upgrades to the platform. Taking to the microblogging site, the Tesla CEO wrote, “Significant backend server architecture changes rolled out”. Significant backend server architecture changes rolled out. Twitter should feel faster. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 29, 2022 “Twitter should […]

Twitter Blue allows video uploads up to 2 GB in size, 60 minutes in length

Twitter shared excellent news in store for the many video creators on the platform. With the release of ‘Twitter Blue’, the microblogging site updated a number of features to ‘improve the experience’ for users, including one allowing ‘longer video upload’. “Share more content with your followers. Twitter Blue subscribers can […]