
You have many personal interests going, dear Aries, but your responsibilities and duties beckon, and you can feel quite torn. As much as you want to get the essential things out of the way, it can be hard to do with your heart not quite in it. Consider that you might see a situation in a more positive or negative light than it deserves. As well, you may want to avoid putting too much into what others promise since judgment can be off today. While this may not be the most productive day, you’re feeling quite excited about your projects. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, prompting a focus on your friendships or goals related to happiness and enjoyment. Consider that your words are more potent than usual. Fortunately, you’re in a cycle that finds you with a real knack for communicating.


Today’s energies find you more concerned than usual with your obligations and goals, dear Taurus. However, some indecision is likely due to a Venus-Jupiter influence that highlights restlessness. You could have many different ideas in play right now, but with the energies of the day, you may not be in any mood to focus. Venus is in your second house of values, money, and possessions, and Jupiter’s influence can exaggerate your desires for things that might not have true value to you in the long term. Try to treat these as whims and fancies of the moment. There might also be a conflict of values that gets under your skin if someone’s opinions bother you. Try to unwind and avoid clinging too tightly to your expectations. Fortunately, another influence today improves practical thinking. You’re willing to work for what you want.


There is a stronger focus on your needs, desires, and wants with Venus in your sign, dear Gemini. At the same time, you’re not just pining for things–you’re ready to work for them. Still, today can find you on the fence about pursuing your personal plans as you can need extra rest. A good part of you craves the comforts of familiarity. Draw upon your common sense as much as possible now and avoid the temptation to think that the grass is greener somewhere else. Expectations that are too high may not do you any favors right now. Try not to make bold or big moves. Today’s Moon transit highlights your need for non-routine experiences, and you don’t have to go overboard to satisfy this itch. If you can focus your energies, there is terrific energy with you for tying up loose ends of a project, or for reviewing what you need to do next. Feeling organized is the key to feeling on top of things at the moment.



There can be moments today when you’re focusing more on the big picture than the details at hand, dear Cancer, and perhaps missing essential things in the process. Part of you doesn’t feel up to dealing with anything difficult or tricky right now. The easy way out seems most appealing with a Venus-Jupiter transit. Leniency with others may be taken a little too far, and boundaries may be crossed. It can be difficult to know whether you want some space or companionship. Consider that a temporary lull may be just what you need before getting back on track. Fortunately, a helpful conversation can emerge when you least expect it. The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, encouraging you to pay more attention to your deeper needs.


While you’re finding your friendships or networking quite fulfilling now, dear Leo, your desire to get on top of your chores or your work can be compelling. This can leave you on the fence or feeling that you’re not going to have fun if you make a choice. There is an escapist or avoidant tendency today as Venus and Jupiter form a minor clashing aspect. You can feel restless with routines, and you don’t feel up for drama or demanding situations, either. Do what you can to lighten your load just for now and consider choosing something and running with it rather than getting stuck in a state of discontent or limbo. Fortunately, a Mercury-Vesta aspect helps you focus. You’re likely to appreciate that communications are clearer than usual.


While this is not a good day for staying within a budget or for productivity, dear Virgo, if your load is light, it can certainly be a pleasant time. There can be some satisfying exchanges, too. Certainly, with the Moon transiting your work-and-health sector all day, you’ll want to accomplish something concrete. You can be very generous with your time and energy, but not especially practical as Venus and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect. Personal needs tend to win over responsibilities now, even though you very much want to get things done, and for the most part, enjoy doing so. The issue is that you’re divided, and it can be hard to choose one or the other. Still, there is good energy with you today for uncovering a mystery or settling a debt or account.


Any discontent you’ve been harboring recently can emerge today, dear Libra. A Sun-Jupiter square energizes your sectors of home, family, and partnerships early today can stir up restlessness. There can be so many things you want to do, but it’s hard to put them into action. The key is to start smaller and work yourself up. You have a stronger need for security and a sense of belongingness, but it’s important to take independent steps to achieve these rather than waiting for others to fill these needs. As the day progresses, you are likely to feel far more comfortable in your own skin. You can come to a better understanding of a situation or a concept that has been difficult to accept. It’s easier to interact healthily when you feel more centered and on top of things.


The Moon in your family and home sector all day suggests a stronger than usual need for comfort, dear Scorpio. Still, you are easy to distract today! Your mood is generally quite positive, but there is some tendency for discontent to be more pronounced with a Venus-Jupiter aspect stimulating the fear of missing out. Be especially aware of a tendency to people-please since promises made now can be difficult to fulfill later. There is a temptation to apply band-aid fixes to problem areas, which is a form of borrowing from the future since the problem will return later on, perhaps in a bigger way. Avoid glossing over difficult areas, but recognize where you may need a break. It can be challenging to know whether you want to go light or deep today, and perhaps it’s best to do a little of both.



Early today, there can be a tendency to go a little overboard, dear Sagittarius, as the Sun and Jupiter come to a square. Jupiter encourages you to enjoy comforts while the Sun wants you to move out of your comfort zone to find new pleasures and channels for expression. Whether it’s about wanting to impress someone you love or simply because you’re in a good mood and want to share, the tendency is to go over the top. You can have a good time today, but it’s best to know your limits. Unrest or discontent may very well spur you to make a positive change. The day advances with good energy for finding interesting things to do and learn. Pacing yourself seems to be your best bet.



The first half of the day holds rather complicated energies, dear Capricorn, and you can feel somewhat restless as a result. You might experience a conflict between nurturing your strong need for security and safety and your similarly big desire for personal space and a sense of autonomy. While you can imagine all sorts of things you’d like to accomplish, part of you is holding back, or the demands of home and family are keeping you feeling tied down. Consider ways to manage your expectations, strike a compromise, and find a better balance. The second half of the day promises more ease and acceptance. Simplifying becomes far easier to do, and you might come to a better understanding with someone that helps you feel more productive and less distracted.



Again today, it’s best to wait before jumping into something new or a promise, dear Aquarius. If you’ve become a little too short-sighted recently due to a hectic schedule, you’ll feel the need for some mental refreshment now. Aim to see the flaws in your plans that need some polishing rather than gloss them over, as it will help you later. Seek balance for best results now. While the energy of a Sun-Jupiter square this morning can stir up restlessness and perhaps a desire to do or take on more, it’s better to keep things on an even keel right now. What seems to be optimism may be overshooting or wishful thinking. The day advances with good energy for enjoying some creative escape. The Moon enters your sign today, amping up your feelings and the need to express them creatively.


You may be discovering some flaws in a plan, project, dream, or an area where you may have been overshooting or overdoing, dear Pisces. Find ways to pare down a little to keep things real, but also try to stay positive and open to possibilities. The desire to expand on projects, socialize, or make connections is strong, but you could feel torn as you’re also seeking more security and comfort. It may be best to wait for a day when you see things more clearly to make a big purchase. As the day progresses, a gentler pace comes more naturally. You’re in a great position to find creative ways to meet all of your needs without putting pressure on yourself. The Moon moves into your solar twelfth house for a couple of days, putting the focus on winding down, recuperating, and healing.