Instagram last month announced it will let users upload their live broadcasts to IGTV. This feature has been rolling out gradually to users and it is now available for all globally.

Instagram Live videos after they are broadcast remain on Stories and feed for 24 hours. You can now keep your Instagram Live videos for as long as you want with the new IGTV integration.

This feature comes as a push for IGTV from Instagram, something the company has been trying to do ever since its launch. It also comes at a time when people across the world are using Instagram Live more due to Covid-19.

How to use it

Once the Instagram Live video has ended, you will see the option to “Share to IGVT”. You can select that and your IG Live video will now be on IGTV. You also have the option download your video or save it on the app.

Instagram has been rolling out new features for live broadcasts. It recently added the donate button to Instagram Live for nonprofits. Users can add the donate button along with the nonprofit and add it to their Instagram Live sessions.

The Facebook-owned company also made it possible to watch Instagram Live videos on the web. This was shortly after it introduced DMs for Instagram’s web app.

If you’re new to Instagram Live and you plan on using it often, here are some tips you should definitely consider.