Twitter had rolled out audio tweets for iOS earlier in June this year and is now looking to take voice usage to another feature on the platform – direct messages or DMs as they are popularly known. Twitter is experimenting the use of voice messages for DMs. Twitter’s product manager for direct messages, Alex Ackerman-Greenberg told the Verge that the platform will be testing this feature soon and Brazil will be the first country to be included in the test.

And he shared the message through a 20-second voice message.

Ackerman-Greenberg’s message mentions that Twitter knows people want more options for how they express themselves in conversations on Twitter both privately and publicly.
Ackerman-Greenberg’s message mentions that Twitter knows people want more options for how they express themselves in conversations on Twitter both privately and publicly. (The Verge)

Ackerman-Greenberg’s message mentions that Twitter knows people want more options for how they express themselves in conversations on Twitter both privately and publicly.

Just like voice tweets, voice messages will have a simple, basic interface that includes just a play and pause button. The sender’s avatar, or profile picture, will pulsate as the message plays out.

The Verge reports that the product team designed an in-line recording experience to make it easier to send these messages as a part of the natural conversation flow so that it feels different from the current audio tweets interface.

There is also a report message option in case someone decides to misuse voice DMs. Since this audio clip is private, the chances of someone trying to do that is highly likely.

Twitter received quite a bit of flack after they announced audio tweets because they failed to factor in accessibility. Design chief Dantley Davis said in an interview the Protocol that they shipped something that should not have been shipped without this conversation happening.

Davis added that they now had a full-time accessibility team within product development that included engineers and designers. Davis mentioned that they have also changed their product development process so as accessibility is considered right from the time features are being conceptualised.

Facebook and Instagram already allow voice messages in DMs, so Twitter following suit is not surprising.