From now, you will be able to see Stories with Covid-19 information from credible health organisations you follow being played up on the top of your tray on Instagram. If you don’t follow any such health organisation you will not be seeing their stories, of course.

Instagram also intends to roll this feature out to your Feed as well and will be playing up important information from credible handles you follow.

“Starting today, we’ll bring Stories related to COVID-19 from credible health organizations you follow closer to the top of your tray. This is part of our ongoing work to connect people with accurate information, and we’ll be rolling out a similar solution for Feed next week,” Instagram’s comms handle tweeted.

This is a part of the social media platform’s efforts to ensure that the right information reaches its users. Social media platforms have all upped their battle against fake news and inaccurate information especially at a time like this when falling for wrong information could be fatal.

If you follow health organisations on Instagram, you will see their stories and their posts first as you surf the app.