Instagram has announced a bunch of new updates for branded content on its platform. Instagram is launching the branded content tag to Reels, and soon to Live. Instagram is also giving advertisers more flexibility over branded content, and making branded content ads in Stories tappable. Product tags are also coming to branded content.

Starting with Reels, businesses and creators will now be able to use the branded content tag in Reels. Instagram plans to start testing this in Live soon. The branded content tag will appear just below the creator’s username. There’s now a new workflow for advertisers giving them the ability to create branded content ads without creators having to post organically on Instagram first. The decision lies on creators as they can choose to approve and pause any ads on their handle.

Branded content ads in Stories can now be posted with tappable elements such as mentions, location and hashtags. Instagram says it wants brands to “have access to organic Stories’ creative that is native and authentic to the Stories experience.”

Instagram recently announced a redesign for the home screen keeping Reels and Shop in focus. There’s a dedicated button for Shop on the new Instagram home screen. It’s clearly going big on shopping as it will now allow businesses to promote branded content posts with product tags.

Instagram also announced it has set a minimum age for branded content feed posts. Businesses and creators can set a default minimum age or a minimum age for specific countries, and they can choose to do both as well.