Chinese wind-energy hardware maker has developed the world’s largest wind turbine. Developed by MingYang Smart Energy, the wind turbine is a 242-metre tall behemoth that is expected to power homes by 2023.

The massive wind turbine has blades that are 118 metres long that when in motion would cover a total of 46,000 square metres of area. To put that into perspective, that’s larger than six soccer fields.

The gargantuan turbines are capable of generating 80-gigawatt hours. Comparing this to the next best thing in competition — Haliade-X by GE only manages to make 74-gigawatt hours. Each of these turbines are capable of powering a total of 20,000 homes over a lifetime of 25 years.

What’s surprising is that it is capable of producing 45 percent more electricity than the company’s MySE turbines, by just extending the blades by 19 metres in diameter. This could enable a drop in offshore wind energy productions.

As per the company’s claims, one of these wind turbines can eliminate over 1.6 million tonnes of CO2 emissions over the course of its 25-year lifespan. The whole thing weighs incredibly low at just 37 tonnes per megawatt. This in turn enables more efficient use of the tower and foundation construction. (