These are unprecedented times. While we all battle our inner conflicts and the invisible beast that is claiming precious lives around the world, we are left with no choice to stay home and stay apart to beat the coronavirus pandemic.

While it is not an easy choice to stay away from friends and extended family but this sacrifice can give us great dividends. Keeping this in mind how about utilizing this time to boost up your immunity, build up your inner health and re-inventing yourself with holistic healing.

Self-care during quarantine may sound like a fancy idea but if you look deeper is a wonderful way to brace yourself against the disease.

Why you need to boost up immune system?

A weak immune system not only leaves us vulnerable to disease, but undermines the body’s ability to prevent and fight disease. In fact, when the body’s immunity is weak, the micro-channels are easily clogged, overloading the immune system. Ayurvedic texts that were written centuries ago, say that strengthening the immune system is not only part of therapy, but also helps to prevent diseases. That is why many of its treatments are geared towards strengthening immunity. Nature actually provides us the means to build up immunity and maintain good health. She gives us seasonal fruits and vegetables that are beneficial for the body, especially in terms of strengthening the immune system. In these trying times of the Coronavirus pandemic, experts have said, “Even if a person tests positive for the virus, progression of the disease is determined by his/her natural immunological status.” So, building up immunity is the way to fight such diseases.

How to build strong immunity?

Nature actually provides us the means to maintain good health. She gives us fruits and vegetables, like citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, yellow vegetables and so on, rich in Vitamins that help to build up the immunity, especially against colds, coughs and respiratory ailments. There was a time when people did not need dietary supplements, because they did not have processed, refined and packaged foods, like we do. The soil, where they grew vegetables and fruits, did not contain pesticides, fruits were not ripened with chemicals and vegetables were grown without hormones. But, today even if you are having a balanced diet, you may still be deficient in one or more of the essential food elements. Cooking, processing and refining destroy more than half the necessary nutrients and remove fibre, which is so necessary for the proper elimination of wastes.


Ginger tea and other wonders in your kitchen

In Ayurveda, ginger is known as “the universal remedy,” because it has so many benefits. Similarly, combinations of ingredients like Chyawanprash and Trifala are said to strengthen our immune system. Teas and pills made from ginger alone are recommended to restore health. Ginger tea can be taken for good digestion and to heal cough and cold. As everyone knows, ginger can also be added to a cup of tea. You can also add other spices to tea, during winter, like cardamon, cinnamon, pepper, which build up immunity and help prevent viral ailments. Amla is the best source of Vitamin C and is not destroyed by heat. Add the juice of one amla to a glass of warm water and have it first thing in the morning. Nuts and dry fruits also strengthen immunity and so do peas. They provide the proteins, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids to maintain strength.

Inward healing

What we need to do is to return to a holistic way of life, which takes the whole being – body, mind and soul into consideration, rather than individual parts of the body. It includes good physical health, mental health and even spiritual health. A holistic lifestyle aims at total well-being that lasts a lifetime and ensures a good quality of life.

Pay attention to cleansing and daily hygiene. Improper daily hygiene can undermine the health in a number of ways. The skin is influenced by many external factors, like dirt, chemical pollutants, bacteria and virus. By daily washing, bathing and cleaning, we can remove impurities and keep ourselves free from infections. Apart from soap, you would need a clean rough-textured washcloth or loofah, a long-handled brush for the back, a pumice stone, a nail brush. During the ancient times, infusions were used to wash the body. These can be made by soaking neem leaves in hot water and letting it stand overnight. Use the water to bathe the next morning. It prevents infections and soothes rashes.

Rose, sandalwood and all the dreamy fragrances

Aromatherapy is very useful in calming the mind and reducing stress. The aromas, or fragrances, of different flowers are said to influence the nervous system and induce calm and relaxation. Extracts and oils of rose, sandalwood, lavender, orange flower (neroli), brahmi, etc., have been used in Ayurveda for their stress relieving benefits. Apart from dispersing or diffusing aromas, you can leave potpourri around the house. A few drops of essential oil can help relaxation of both body and mind. For example, lavender is said to induce relaxation, while jasmine heightens the senses and elevates the mood. Rose calms and refreshes the mind, while Cinnamon is said to relieve fatigue.

Move the body

Some form of daily exercise is also necessary for good health of body and mind. Exercise, together with a balanced diet, can work wonders. Not only does it build up stamina and strength, but improves blood circulation to the skin and scalp. Every tissue of the body needs oxygen, so begin your exercises by doing deep breathing in front of an open window. You should check with your doctor before beginning a regular exercise routine. Walking is a good physical activity, as it exercises all the muscle groups. Research has shown that exercise also helps in removing stress.

A positive mental attitude is so important, because mind and body are closely related. All of us encounter a certain amount of stress and anxiety in our daily life. It is a matter of learning how to cope with it. We have to train our minds towards positive thinking. A holistic way of life and attention to these common factors can help to revitalize the body, relax the mind and recharge the soul. It provides another lease of vitality to meet new challenges.