“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” – Pablo Picasso

Art, in all its forms, has a great power to heal and create a positive ambience and mood. It is therapeutic to indulge in art and in our fast-paced daily lives, we might forget to take out time for creating or investing in this activity. Since we are all getting to spend a lot more time at home and even working from home these days, there are so many DIY tips and tricks that can uplift your space and mood.

Everyone is talking about slow living and connecting with oneself, finding meaning and purpose in your life; art is a beautiful tool for creative expression and self-introspection. The creative satisfaction can be derived by taking to a hobby or enhancing your spaces at home. I think all of us at some point of our lives have been exposed to art classes and used to be carefree in what we made, neither judging nor being judged constantly. We just need to let ourselves be children again, if you have kids living at home then be a child along with them when it comes to art.


Pick up a hobby with sketching, making paintings on paper or canvas, creating illustrations with fabulous tools available on our computers, doodling patterns with pen and ink or concentrating on creating an intricate mandala art. Taking to craft as a hobby by learning new skills like quilling, punch craft, marble painting or paper mache might resonate with your personality. There is something out there for everybody, even if you can’t draw a straight line or weren’t good at painting as a child. You can print outlined patterns of things that you love and start colouring again, there is tons of resources out there on the World Wide Web! Research says that this helps in calming the mind and can be de-stressing because making art is a therapy in itself.


How to enhance your living spaces? 

Enhancing your spaces through creative ideas can breathe new life into the area. Simple things you do has the potential to be more impactful than you might think. Painting onto an old piece of furniture by simply changing the colour will add a new flavour and vibe.

If you are feeling a little more artsy then you can draw patterns and fill them in as you wish to upscale old furniture or go crazy and paint your walls! If it doesn’t come out the way you imagined, it’s OK, don’t be too hard on yourself and just paint over it again.


Small things like moving your furniture around and rearranging it to create a comfy nook to work from home can also do wonders. Increase your productivity and decrease the dullness by pulling up your favourite chair, adding a couple of planters, putting up meaningful clicks of friends and family, photos from your travels, pinning up some motivational quotes and definitely let some natural light in. By adding the personal touch to your space it will definitely cheer you up and brighten up your work day!