Two military generals of China have said that China needs to have a relook at its relationship with the United States. Dai Xu and Qiao Liang spoke to different publications in which they admitted that China is no match for the US based on the current balance of power.

They also said that the only way forward for China is peacer, not war.

General Dai said that traditionally, China and the US had a very close trade relationship, but the Trump administration has now branded the country a trade terrorist and a global economic aggressor.

He also listed 10 understanding about the Sino-US relationship.

Among them is the United States’ ruthless push towards portraying China in a negative light which is beyond the expectations of most Chinese officials. He also said that China has not received support from any country.

General Dai then went on to say that the US has been united at the domestic front. He also said that China needs to understand that China is not a paper tiger, but a real tiger that kills people.

Suggesting the way forward, the military general said that China doesn’t need to make a loud announcement to be number 1. General Dai said that even if China knows it can beat the US, it needs to keep a low profile.

He also said that China should consider the US as world’s number 1.

Major General Qiao, meanwhile, kept his focus on China’s relationship with Taiwan. He said that China “should not consider the coronavirus pandemic as an opportunity to take back Taiwan by force”. He said that the risk is too high for China.

The military commander said that Taiwan can be used by the US and its western allies to impose sanctions on China. This will stop Beijing from importing resources needed for its industry.

He also said that the West will cut off China’s capital chain.