
The Moon moves into your spirit sector for a couple of days, dear Aries, and it’s a great time for sharing ideas, learning something new, and possibly working towards a cherished dream or goal. It’s a strong time for doing something you enjoy. Today and tomorrow, your mind is especially strong, and you can come up with some satisfying conclusions or strategies now. You might get the chance to put a problem behind you. You can make excellent progress on a career or money-making idea. While some indecision or inability to talk about something special to you is possible this morning, the day’s energies support these very things as it advances. You may be exploring different ways of building your sense of value and worthiness. You might also dream up ways to increase your income or your earning potential.


You can be especially resourceful today, dear Taurus, once past a tendency for touchiness in the morning. You might solve a problem or uncover a resource. You have a true desire to accomplish something or to understand a relationship, mystery, or subject at a deeper level. As the day advances, you’re increasingly more sure of yourself. Energies today and tomorrow can support and enhance your intuition. A relationship can benefit from an agreement or compromise that is mutually beneficial. It’s a fine time to benefit from different perspectives on a matter or to expand your knowledge, and it feels empowering to learn and grow as you do. You can be connecting with someone on a mental level now.


The Moon heads into your partnership sector for a couple of days, dear Gemini, and you can find yourself more focused on your social life or relationships. You’re less inclined to want to go things alone. There is strong energy for getting a handle on things after a perhaps indecisive morning. You might enjoy a new subject or research a topic more deeply now. Today and tomorrow, you’re more persuasive, and resolving problems through conversation can be quite successful. A breakthrough is possible. There can be sudden memories or deeper thinking that lead you to exciting places mentally. Conversations tend to be quite meaningful or thought-provoking, or your own personal musings are notable, breaking new ground.


You’re moving towards a more practical, work-oriented trend for a couple of days, dear Cancer. You’re paying more attention to your daily routines and habits. You might be motivated to look into health and wellness programs or explore related ideas. New visions of your future motivate and inspire you today despite minor interruptions. It’s a fine day for sorting out problems. Friends, networks, and connections can feature some interesting news or ideas that inspire you. You might come to a better understanding of your ambitions. You may be organizing things with much success or making meaningful changes and mental associations as you see your relationships and plans in a new light. Communications tend to be constructive and meaningful–perhaps some real food for thought.


The day’s energies especially favor tapping into your intuition, dear Leo. The Moon moves into your home and family sector, encouraging you to slow down and center yourself. It’s a time of the lunar cycle for anchoring or nesting, and it’s very welcome even though you’ve been quite goal-focused these days. We’re heading toward a Mercury-Neptune aspect and a Full Moon, exact tomorrow, that help open up the pipelines. Barriers tend to fall away in your conversations, and this is refreshing. It can be a good time for guiding, teaching, and reassuring. You’re likely to gain valuable insights into your life, especially your ambitions or goals. It’s a good time to let go of overthinking.


The Moon heads into your communications sector for a couple of days, dear Virgo. It’s a time for seeking out a little more mental excitement. As the day advances, we head toward a Full Moon and a Mercury-Neptune aspect, helping to open you up to interesting insights. You may get the chance to open up a conversation about more sensitive topics, and to bond with someone as a result. You might instead bond through shared opinions or acceptance of differences. You are likely to receive favorable, positive responses to your ideas or plans. Conversations or musing and thoughts can help you heal now, and so can writing. Today is strong for generating new ideas and for putting faith in your long-term plans. Allowing your thoughts to flow without pressure puts you in a relaxed state that will get you better results.


The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, dear Libra, suggesting a need for some form of retreat or escape from the usual. A Venus-Neptune square can point to some ambiguity that interferes with your personal enjoyment in spots, however. Uncertainty surrounding your work, duties, or schedules can be part of this. You are more compassionate but also somewhat vulnerable now if you’re highly emotionally invested in an idea or belief. Be sure to take care of yourself while you take care of everyone else and avoid over-committing out of guilt. It is not easy to focus on practical matters today, as your thinking is more fanciful and creative than mechanical just for now. Try not to schedule overly demanding activities if this is possible. For what needs your attention, narrowing down tasks is best.


If you’re emotionally invested in something now, dear Scorpio, you may not be the best judge of the situation. With a Venus-Neptune square active now, it’s challenging to see a person or relationship clearly. It can also be hard to get a firm commitment from someone or definite answers to your questions, and it’s probably best not to make final decisions right now since waiting things out makes better sense. We tend to misread a situation today, and even you, with your perceptiveness, can do so if you’re emotionally involved. This is about wishful thinking influencing your vision. Watch for taking “shortcuts” that are costly in the long run. Your mood is generous, however, and it’s a good time to enjoy an escape or imaginative activity. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, boosting your optimism.



Practical matters capture your attention more than usual today, dear Sagittarius, and your longer-term goals are in mind with the Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart. Still, you are also thinking in progressive, forward-looking terms, and this is especially helpful to you now. You’re not afraid to draw on your intuition as you focus on your duties or practical affairs. You are in no way afraid of controversy as a rule, but today you wisely work around it, as you do all other distractions. It’s an excellent time for thinking in terms of technological upgrades, improved methods, and innovative approaches. You could also be bringing new ideas and twists to old ideas with great success.



With the Moon’s move into your solar ninth house, dear Capricorn, it’s a time for seeking out mind-expanding experiences that broaden your horizons in some way, however big or small. You seek freedom in your communications, and you enjoy sharing your ideas with others, although you tend to go your own way no matter the feedback. You possess a stronger than usual sense for what will work and thrive, so pay attention to new ideas that come to you now and in the coming days, since they can be very worth your while. This Moon transit emphasizes your need for some non-routine stimulation. Life shouldn’t become too predictable now for the best results. New or improved avenues for creativity can open up. You can also be quite drawn to healing techniques and self-improvement.



Today’s good for accessing your inner wisdom and putting your powers of observation to work, dear Aquarius. The Moon in your intimacy sector stimulates your need to look for the layers of situations and people rather than taking things at face value. Its harmony with Uranus gives you a sense that you’re making progress, and there can be a sense of an emotional release or relief from a burden. You can be excited about making changes in your home or with family. Thinking in terms of innovation, new technologies and methods, and upgrades can be in focus and of benefit now. Letting go of old family conditioning or unhealthy ties to the past are themes. You are opening up to new methods and ideas while at the same time honoring the tried and true, and this suits you just fine right now.


The Moon moves into your partnership sector today, dear Pisces. You gravitate towards activities that feed your desire to feel connected to the world around you today. Others’ input helps you clarify your own position, even if you’re not in agreement–it simply gets you thinking. It’s a great day for getting to know someone better through conversation or for learning another side of a story. There is strong energy with you for learning and work on improving a system or project in your life. Don’t be discouraged if you find yourself moody on a matter over the coming days, as ups and downs are par for the course, and they may end up leading to a better final result. People are very much drawn to your unique way of thinking. In turn, you’re able to see others’ perspectives easily, and understanding is a wonderful form of support.