
You may be focusing on the practical side of your connections today, dear Aries. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, stirring the desire or need to handle details. This is in contrast to the Sun’s current mission this month to get you out and about, but it’s still a vital need. As such, you’d do well for yourself to find ways to compromise and find a balance between the two. Relationships may not be functioning at their very best early today, as you can be going in and out with wanting closeness or time to yourself. Or, there is some off-timing as people lack confidence socially just for now. Even so, if you can do something you enjoy, regardless of whether you’re able to share it with others, then you can go far now.


This continues to be a good time for deep connections, dear Taurus, but the Moon in your solar fifth house today reminds you to get romantic or creative. You may need to make some time for personal enjoyment. Still, insecurities or self-doubt can play with your interactions in the first half of the day. Your timing can be a little off, but small discouragements can make happy times especially wonderful. It makes sense to focus on activities in which you generate your own happiness, not only because it can help magnetize what you want but also because you can discover that you’re pretty good at entertaining yourself. You enter a cycle today, in force for the coming three months, that’s excellent for planning and thinking ahead and devising long-term goals. Your unique insight or intelligence is coming into the spotlight.


The Moon spends the day in your sector of home and family, dear Gemini, encouraging you to slow down and make time for quiet and comfortable activities. You gravitate to familiar faces and spaces, which can be good for you at this time in the lunar month. The Sun in your partnership sector encourages companionship and feedback, however. You might consider sharing activities that help you regroup, renew, and relax, or take some time to clear your head and disengage. Because people are more sensitive than usual in the first half of the day, it may be best to avoid criticizing as much as possible, even if you feel it’s constructive, as others are unlikely to take it very well. As the day advances, it’s easier to let things flow.


Work or duties and personal interests are strong draws today, dear Cancer, but it’s best not to take on too much. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector and clashes with the Sun in your work sector later today. Aim for a balance so as not to stress yourself out. In the first half of today, you’ll do best if you select activities that keep you grounded. There can be guilty feelings if you haven’t paid enough attention to the important people in your life or other priorities. Making yourself feel more secure and independent will strengthen your resolve and emotional state. Fortunately, you’re beginning a new three-month cycle that puts you in better touch with your inner motivations and psychology. Reaching a better place of self-understanding can be a noble goal now. It’s also a time for straightening out problems in close relationships related to power dynamics, respect, or ownership matters.


You crave more comfort and security today with the Moon’s transit of your solar second house, dear Leo. The Sun in your pleasure sector clashes with the Moon in your security sector, however, and you may have trouble deciding whether you want to do something new or stick with what you know. The answer may be to do a little of both! While it’s a time of the lunar month for enjoying what you have and looking for ways to boost your feelings of security and comfort, you might decide to step out of the routine just a little to keep things fresh as well. The first half of today can highlight areas where you feel more vulnerable, which is also the case for others in your life. As such, there can be some touchiness to navigate. If you find people are defensive of their feelings or personal space, you might decide to save significant conversations for another time.


The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Virgo, and you’re likely to feel clearer about how you feel. While you crave more interaction with the world around you, you’re also in a rather self-starting frame of mind. Besides, it’s all too easy for others to slow you down right now. In the first half of today, it may not be easy to rally up a definite plan. People are sensitive and perhaps a little distant emotionally. You might want to watch for the subtle levels in any messages you convey now, as it may be missing the mark emotionally. As well, it’s all too easy for people to misconstrue things temporarily. Later today, you can find it challenging to integrate your need to trailblaze and your desire to stick with what’s familiar. A bit of tension can motivate you to make positive changes.


A practical mindset could clash with another part of you that would prefer to throw some caution to the wind today, dear Libra. You could feel divided early today. There can be a rush job or an unexpected change in plans that serve to mix things up a little but can leave you feeling edgy. You can be all wound up with no real plan unless you resolve to pick a project and enjoy it without worrying about what you may be missing as you do. The day advances with far less urgency and pressure. In fact, there’s fantastic energy for special attention and focus on work, health, and business pursuits. Intuition for money, work, and health matters is excellent. You can feel motivated to change things in your environment to improve your productivity.


Early today, tense aspects can lead to quick and perhaps poor choices if you’re not careful, dear Scorpio. It may not be easy or straightforward to harmonize your desires or impulses with your communications. You could be a little restless, with part of you craving emotional excitement but uncertainty about how to get it. The day advances more smoothly. Wonderful energy is with you for nurturing a creative project or special friendship with Venus in your sign connecting with Ceres in your sector of joy. As well, the Moon spends the day in your creativity sector, encouraging special attention to expressive, playful, and heart-centered activities. You could find yourself naturally gravitating towards positive situations and people, perhaps finding yourself exactly where you need to be at the right time.



Earlier today is good for entertainment and a playful, cooperative mood, dear Sagittarius, but you prefer not to idle as the day advances. A more purposeful mindset kicks in with the Moon’s move into your solar sixth house. You’re ready to put the work in with the Moon’s move into your work and health sector for a couple of days. You can quite enjoy yourself as you take care of things. It’s a fine day for easy productivity. As much as the urge to get cracking on duties, chores, work, or health routines is with you, there can be some doubts later today. You can quickly tire of anything that feels run-of-the-mill or lacking in magic and poetry at the moment with Mercury challenged. Look for creative solutions since it can be hard to focus on priorities if you have too many of them.



You’re inclined to keep to yourself early day, dear Capricorn, but grow into a desire to share or express yourself. Fortunately, you’re received well. You tend to seek more interaction with the Moon’s move into Taurus and your solar fifth house. The Moon transits a sector of the chart for only two to three days, but it can serve to remind you of important needs. This particular transit encourages attention to self-expression, creativity, fun, pleasure, and leisure or entertainment. More than usual, you’re emotionally invested in your heartfelt pursuits. Venus harmonizes with the Moon, Saturn, and Chiron, boosting your social confidence and your personal outlook. You could be itching to break out of your usual schedules and habits. Later today, your attention span may be short, so aim to avoid taking on too much. Take this time to understand yourself and your feelings, but avoid making big decisions now.



You’re in good shape for rounding out your understanding of things today, dear Aquarius. Today’s Sun-Chiron trine is useful for seeing things more holistically, particularly in your social life. Extra openness, sincerity, and warmth are themes in your friendships and communications. You’re likely to find support for your creative efforts, projects, and desires today. Your interactions with a partner, friends, or acquaintances are likely quite positive and inspiring. Ideas emerging now contribute to a dream or vision. Your goals and dreams seem more doable, and this lifts your spirits. Investing more of yourself in your projects and ideas can be exhilarating, filling you with a stronger sense of purpose. As the day advances, you’re in great shape for bringing more order to your world. You might learn new information that empowers you, particularly along professional lines. The use of strategy is especially important right now, as whatever comes up today tends to require extra thought and analysis, and it’s likely to benefit from a slow rollout.


With the Moon now in your solar fifth house for a couple of days, you’re paying more attention to the things you love, dear Pisces. Entertainment and activities that allow you to express yourself and your sense of fun are a stronger draw. More than usual, you recognize your emotional life, sense of independence, and needs for nurturance and special attention today. You have more confidence in your need for personal time, and energy flows particularly well for relationships and creative pursuits. A relationship develops as you share ideas. A person in your life may come through for you now, and this is helpful. Attention to strengthening ties with others and special projects in the present can do much for them down the road. Avoid rushing later today for best results.