
Early today, you could be in an indulgent mood, dear Aries. Try to find a balance between your very valid needs for comfort or inactivity and the need to tend to chores. Some things can wait, while others are better off handling as soon as possible. There can be a nice, supportive conversation about a personal matter or a bit of advice that works well for you today. While you can feel a little restless or divided this morning, you’re in great shape for catching up with someone, the news, or a special interest today. Conversations can be heartwarming. The Moon has climbed to the top of your solar chart, and you can be thinking up long-term goals or reconsidering ways to achieve current ones. There is a good sense of when to take the lead and when to let others do so. Reputation is enhanced, and it helps that you’re clear in your value, both to the world and to individuals.


There’s some inclination to promise or imply more than you can fulfill early today, dear Taurus. Otherwise, the day is a good one for pursuing personal interests, learning, and discovery. There can be very nurturing, supportive teaching and learning moments today. You can very much enjoy sharing ideas and developing rich new ideas. The Moon moves in harmony with your sign, and you’re likely to feel more spirited and liberated. You’re in particularly good shape for communicating, connecting, and friendship, and you’ll enjoy some time spent freer of worries about your responsibilities. Networking can be especially fruitful, stimulating ideas or reinvigorating your motivation levels. You might inspire somebody with an idea or a unique perspective on a matter. Current relationships are a little spicier than usual.


Watch for overscheduling early today, dear Gemini, as you may set yourself up for disappointment because it can be challenging to concentrate or follow through. If it’s inappropriate to be inattentive now, try to be more vigilant. Otherwise, you may only need a small break. There is terrific energy for money and business strategy as the day advances. While you may be in an indulgent mood personally, you could come up with rich ideas about how to take care of business, in general. The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, and you’re in a good position to get into deeper touch with your desires, needs, and wants. Today is also suitable for giving particular thought to money, work, and long-term goals and for making plans to better take care of these areas of your life. Your mind is fertile and resourceful now.


Watch for taking on too much early today, dear Cancer. There can be a tendency to overreach with your projects, pleasures, relationships, and comforts. It’s best to remind yourself that having more of something will not necessarily make you happier. The Moon spends the day in your opposing sign, putting you in the position to enjoy a new perspective on your life, whether this happens naturally or through the eyes of a special someone. It’s a good time to release some pressure or focus on personal plans and redirect more of your energy into your relationships. Fortunately, you can find natural outlets for communicating your ideas and expressing yourself. It’s an excellent time to pursue a special interest. Both guiding others and learning valuable things can figure strongly and succeed now.


While some splurging can be good for you, today, it may stimulate a vague feeling of guilt or regret, dear Leo. Things you think will make you feel more comfortable and at ease are a big draw. However, extravagance is unlikely to satisfy, as attractive as it may be. Turning to tried and true comforts is likely to be more successful. Otherwise, today has strong potential for productive thinking or conversations. It’s a little easier than usual to articulate your feelings. Words exchanged now might stand out as comforting or helpful for healing. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, and as the day advances, you’re in good shape for clearing up various chores and tasks. You want to straighten things out and take care of details now. Even with this practical focus, work behind the scenes, research, or conversations about private issues can figure strongly. You are particularly insightful about matters of the past, things hidden from sight, and areas of your psyche that may have been holding you back from enjoying yourself.


The Moon transits your creative sector all day, dear Virgo, and this influence enhances your natural good humor. You might contend with some restlessness or insatiability early today, and it’s best not to overdo or overstate as a means to overcome boredom. Today’s energies are strong for helpful and nurturing conversations. You’re getting your message across warmly and personably. There can be some tendency to take on a little too much early day, but as the day progresses, it’s easier to go with the flow and enjoy yourself as you do. Others might seek your guidance, advice, or support, and you’re especially happy sharing your ideas and generous with your time. You’re in the mood for special attention, and you are more likely to receive it if you express your feelings sincerely and without expectation.


A Lunar Eclipse occurs today, dear Libra, and influences the sector of communications and immediate environment in your solar chart. Your senses are stimulated to the max right now! You can experience a revelation of sorts, but you may want to avoid being too impulsive with sharing it. Allow yourself some time to sit with it. A writing or learning project can come to completion, and there can be publicity or promotion playing a significant role in your life now, or stress over a looming deadline. Watch for outrageous rumors, and try not to be too hasty with your movements and communications. Whatever develops under this Full Moon, it’s meant to push you forward, even if at first it slows you down. Watch out for processing too much information or sensory overload — take better care of yourself and be discriminating with what you take in. There is certainly a tendency toward emotional extremes, but a Mercury-Uranus transit in effect today helps you see the benefits of trying to look at a matter more objectively.


Today’s energies are excellent for investigation and getting to the heart of a problem, dear Scorpio. Still, there can be some misunderstandings or delays to navigate. A couple of minor but nagging influences can challenge your perceptions or delivery, and there may be some tensions revolving around opinions and ideas. Try to look beyond words chosen to the intentions behind the communication. You might decide to get your mind off people-problems by focusing on something more manageable and predictable. Patience is needed now! Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect helps you express some of your more complicated feelings with relative ease right now. It’s a good time for efforts taken towards healing, either physical and emotional. It’s also a strong time for appreciation of your unique perspective or talents regarding work and health. Research can lead to new or improved methods to better enjoy your daily life, whether it’s about work or self-care programs.



You may want to immerse yourself in a project or a person today, dear Sagittarius, but practical responsibilities that need more immediate attention can challenge this. Still, this brief blockage may strengthen your resolve to work things through. Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect active today helps balance things out. You are standing out from the crowd, particularly on creative and romantic levels. It’s a fine time to believe in your abilities and quietly go about your tasks. A partner or friend could point you in the direction of creative change and inspiration. Sharing activities, ideas, and entertainment with people you care about can be especially healing and could help cement a bond. People are attracted to your more unique qualities and talents. It’s a good time to recognize your vulnerabilities and work with them in positive ways. Avoid worrying about your abilities and simply do your best and enjoy yourself for best results now.



The more open and generous your approach today, dear Capricorn, the more rewards seem in the offing. A Sun-Jupiter trine helps you see the benefits of current projects and boosts your outlook, in general. There may be a romantic attraction that motivates you. You’re interested in growing and improving in your creative pursuits and connections, as staying the same doesn’t appeal. Your best self shines through in what you’re doing, and the day has every potential to be empowering. You’re likely to crave a change of pace or a break from the usual routine. You may be teaching in some capacity now, or you could be learning something new and different that’s inspiring. A new channel for expressing yourself might open up, and a surge of enthusiasm brightens your day and your vision of the future. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play, and routine tasks are unlikely to satisfy you. Your mind is wandering, or you’re dealing with a multitude of distractions. You may be seeking a higher purpose or something more satisfying related to work or routines and habits. While there can be some difficulties prioritizing, if you let go of this need, you’ll be in fine shape.



This can be a fine day for cooperating with others, dear Aquarius, and good feelings tend to be reciprocated. There is a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Still, you’re seeking a little more meaning from your pursuits or relationships than usual today, and you’re happy to see signs of improvement and growth. It’s a good time for tapping into your intuition. Radiating an expectation of success with people you love does wonders for you now, but so can some introspection. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter influence suggests you may have too much information to make the bigger decisions, or the news you receive now is missing key points or is misleading. You’ll feel less stress if you let go of the need to find definitive answers today. Enjoyable activities are most relieving.


Today’s good for dreaming up big ideas that help boost your confidence, dear Pisces, particularly on social levels and related to your interests or studies. It’s a fine time for gaining trust or developing and growing a relationship or even a project. The Sun in your communications sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your social sector, and conversations are generous, open, and meaningful, although somewhat meandering later today. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. You are more invested in your relationships today, and it makes sense to approach your day with an open mind and heart. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect also active today suggests that you may have too much to think about to the point of stress, perhaps related to your personal/home life or friendships. Meaningful, spirited conversations are favored over small talk, which can fall short right now