
The Moon moves into your adventure sector today, dear Aries, and you crave increased space and light on an emotional level. Expanding your mind or your personal experiences can be in focus. This is a good time for finding inspiration through something you read or experience outside the bounds of your usual routine. With many options in front of you today, it may be best to sort out priorities. If you’re waiting on something to happen, it’s likely to be a tense day. However, if you have a goal in mind, you can manage this energy and be productive. A boss, person in authority, or family may not be seeing things the same way, or professional goals might collide with personal ones as Mercury approaches an opposition to Jupiter. Enjoy new ideas that keep you feeling enthusiastic, but consider that details will need more attention later. Tensions lie in overblown expectations.


Your inclination to listen, observe, and learn today is a breath of fresh air, dear Taurus. A Mercury-Jupiter transit can mean many are too busy expressing themselves to hear others. You might want to put in the extra effort to further study a matter, do some strategic thinking, and spend quality time. You’re in the background, but there’s quite a bit of power in this position. It’s easier than usual to make a real connection with someone or a project. Even so, people tend to go overboard or to expect too much. You can be excited and optimistic about your plans and projects, and it’s best to remember to keep things moderate and avoid going overboard. Aiming for quality over quantity makes sense.


Communications are pleasant and uplifting today, dear Gemini. With the Moon’s move into your partnership sector for a couple of days, you tend to prefer sharing your ideas or activities with someone rather than going it alone for now. Relationships frequently help us see ourselves a little more clearly, and today can be one of those times. Still, with Mercury about to oppose Jupiter, there can be push-pull energy happening before you arrive at a better understanding. The tendency to think in big terms and fantasize about ideal scenarios is strong, particularly as it relates to money and relationships. You may need to cut things back and pay more attention to practical matters, as difficult as it may be. Do your research before investing time and energy into something, but allow yourself to think in bigger terms than usual. Keep in mind that important details may be missing now and needy of attention later.


The Moon spends another day in your sector of fun, love, and hobbies, dear Cancer, and you’re likely to seek out rewarding channels for enjoying and expressing yourself. They’re a little easier to find today. Still, there can be some tension related to viewpoints. You can have a hard time getting on the same page as someone about an idea or plan. You’re in a frame of mind that’s self-motivated and detailed, and you could feel that others are not paying attention to the right details. Career or outside responsibilities can be a little tricky today, and plans may not seem quite as doable, or you could find that a key person isn’t getting behind your goals. This may very well be temporary, so avoid making important decisions based solely on what’s happening today. It might also be that you’re a little too impatient to get something done or to achieve a goal, and everything else becomes a distraction as a result.


The Moon spends another day in your home and family sector, dear Leo, encouraging you to settle in and get comfortable. Decisions can be either too quick or too agonizing now, and you can feel divided about a health or work matter. Whether or not to pick it apart or take a step back from it and let it reveal itself to you intuitively can be a question now. Some timing can be off, and it’s best to manage these things coolly and patiently, as difficult as that may be right now. Try not to succumb to pressures to push too hard, and watch for differences of opinion that can consume too much of your day. While there may be some disagreements on goals or clashing desires experienced today, you’re likely to find some time to unwind and decompress if you prioritize these things.


There can be some tensions over different viewpoints and problems with decision-making again today, dear Virgo. A disagreement on an opinion may have more to do with perceptions of opposition, as you may be more on the same page than you think. The trouble today is that differences seem more distinct, and it can be challenging to see the common ground. For some, there can be conflicts brewing regarding the depth of a commitment. Jealousy, sharing of power, and level of involvement can be issues on the table. Indeed, new ideas can result from disagreement, but it’s best not to communicate too quickly to avoid complications. The Moon spends another day in your communications sector, and you’re seeking some mental stimulation. In truth, today’s transit can be overstimulating in this regard, but if you aim for moderation and balance, you can learn some interesting things.


The helpful and nurturing side of your nature is called upon today, dear Libra. Feeling good about your home life is a desire or theme now, and if you’re feeling discontented, you’re especially motivated to make changes and improvements. The Moon aligns with expansive Jupiter in your home and family sector, encouraging special attention to these matters. You recognize the qualities and habits that support or delay your growth. You can be dreaming up long-term, master plans for a business or home, or you’re inclined to focus on making your current living conditions more joyful. You’re seeking a stronger sense of belonging or connectedness, and it’s a great time to get in touch with any needs and desires you’ve suppressed. Later today, the Moon enters your sector of joy, and then promptly aligns with Saturn there. You’re attracted to spending time doing productive things, finding it soothing and satisfying. You can have great success working on a creative project or refining a skill, studying, or adding structure or form to a project.


The Moon joins with generous Jupiter in your communications sector today, dear Scorpio, helping to boost your mood and sunny up your disposition. You’re in terrific shape for guiding, connecting, and learning and warmth can figure strongly in your interactions. Your ideas and kindness are a big draw. It’s important to watch for overloading your schedule with Jupiter involved since its optimism can lead to a sense that you can handle more than is reasonable. You have a fabulous ability to show others where there’s common ground. You might also be feeling very enthusiastic about a project, idea, or interest. Later today, the Moon heads into your home and family sector for a couple of days, meeting Saturn. You’re likely to focus on the practical side of your domestic world or personal life. This transit puts the spotlight on your needs for safety, security, and familiarity. Gather your strength rather than exhaust yourself or scatter your energies now for best results. Because you’re more sensitive than usual, seek positive or calming atmospheres.



You may want to immerse yourself in a project or a person today, dear Sagittarius, but practical responsibilities that need more immediate attention can challenge this. Still, this brief blockage may strengthen your resolve to work things through. Fortunately, a Sun-Chiron aspect active today helps balance things out. You are standing out from the crowd, particularly on creative and romantic levels. It’s a fine time to believe in your abilities and quietly go about your tasks. A partner or friend could point you in the direction of creative change and inspiration. Sharing activities, ideas, and entertainment with people you care about can be especially healing and could help cement a bond. People are attracted to your more unique qualities and talents. It’s a good time to recognize your vulnerabilities and work with them in positive ways. Avoid worrying about your abilities and simply do your best and enjoy yourself for best results now.



The more open and generous your approach today, dear Capricorn, the more rewards seem in the offing. A Sun-Jupiter trine helps you see the benefits of current projects and boosts your outlook, in general. There may be a romantic attraction that motivates you. You’re interested in growing and improving in your creative pursuits and connections, as staying the same doesn’t appeal. Your best self shines through in what you’re doing, and the day has every potential to be empowering. You’re likely to crave a change of pace or a break from the usual routine. You may be teaching in some capacity now, or you could be learning something new and different that’s inspiring. A new channel for expressing yourself might open up, and a surge of enthusiasm brightens your day and your vision of the future. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play, and routine tasks are unlikely to satisfy you. Your mind is wandering, or you’re dealing with a multitude of distractions. You may be seeking a higher purpose or something more satisfying related to work or routines and habits. While there can be some difficulties prioritizing, if you let go of this need, you’ll be in fine shape.



This can be a fine day for cooperating with others, dear Aquarius, and good feelings tend to be reciprocated. There is a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Still, you’re seeking a little more meaning from your pursuits or relationships than usual today, and you’re happy to see signs of improvement and growth. It’s a good time for tapping into your intuition. Radiating an expectation of success with people you love does wonders for you now, but so can some introspection. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter influence suggests you may have too much information to make the bigger decisions, or the news you receive now is missing key points or is misleading. You’ll feel less stress if you let go of the need to find definitive answers today. Enjoyable activities are most relieving.


Today’s good for dreaming up big ideas that help boost your confidence, dear Pisces, particularly on social levels and related to your interests or studies. It’s a fine time for gaining trust or developing and growing a relationship or even a project. The Sun in your communications sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your social sector, and conversations are generous, open, and meaningful, although somewhat meandering later today. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. You are more invested in your relationships today, and it makes sense to approach your day with an open mind and heart. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect also active today suggests that you may have too much to think about to the point of stress, perhaps related to your personal/home life or friendships. Meaningful, spirited conversations are favored over small talk, which can fall short right now