
The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your home and family sector, dear Aries, and you’re in a more introspective phase. Emotions tend to settle, or you crave a steadier pace, especially if you find a project or cause that excites you. The likelihood of this happening is quite excellent today with Mercury and Vesta heading into alignment and increasing your mental focus. Your interest in your projects, learning, and communications increases, and you can become quite pleasantly absorbed in making headway. People could be taking you more seriously and seeking you out for advice and answers. Plans are easy to map out, and you feel a bit more organized. There can also be a feeling of general rapport with the people closest to you or a sense that you’re on top of your domestic chores, boosting your confidence.


The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your busy, curious, and connected solar third house, dear Taurus, keeping you on your toes. You’re putting out mental feelers, picking up tips and ideas. Even so, you’re also in a good place for focus and concentration if something grabs your interest. Your mind is quite sharp now, and you may want to take advantage by doing something productive. You can pour a lot of energy into a money-making idea or a special project. Discipline is easier to harness than usual as the day advances, and you can experience a strong desire to get money matters, personal belongings, or business on track. You’ll want to apply yourself to building a talent or business, and it’s satisfying! As well, a friend might provide you with valuable feedback.


The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your resources sector, dear Gemini. You’re in great shape for applying your intuition in successful ways to a pet project, business venture, or financial planning and thinking. This Moon transit is useful for getting established and testing the waters. Also today, your ruler, Mercury, heads into alignment with Vesta, pulling your attention to those things that matter most to you. It’s a good time to work a little harder as you feel a stronger sense of commitment and purpose. Making detailed plans or pouring extra attention and energy into an endeavor can be most satisfying now. Reserving time for yourself or your personal projects and initiatives makes sense. You have an innate desire to build something solid for yourself, and you should go with this constructive feeling. Apply your tremendous mental energy to something useful. Look more closely at your current projects, talents, and resources, and aim to nurture and develop these things.


The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Cancer, and you’re more noticeable and interactive than usual. Still, it’s an excellent time for independent or behind-the-scenes work today as Mercury and Vesta align in your privacy sector. This transit boosts mental concentration and focus. Even if the Moon transit wants you to circulate and connect more than usual, take some time to regroup and recoup your mental energy, and you’ll do particularly well for yourself. It can be an important time for a private conversation with someone you trust. You might instead engage in a conversation with someone about the past, and this can be healing. Giving more thought to an issue that requires some wrapping up or the tying of loose ends can be satisfying and useful.


You might find it natural to commit to a goal, cause, or venture today, dear Leo, and narrowing your focus to important details can be useful now. Focusing on cherished dreams or hopes, long-term happiness goals, friends, or networking can be soothing. You’re in a strong position to observe and learn about your own motivations and those of others. Taking a step back from the world a little with the Moon in your privacy sector all day is appropriate. It’s time for some reflection and rest. This is a day for catching your breath, and you may need a little more time to yourself than usual. A lot is going on behind the scenes, and you may be glowing with excitement. You seem to be more productive when you remove yourself from the hub of activity right now.


The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Virgo, and you tend to seek out happier, easier activities today and tomorrow in a general sense. Even so, Mercury and Vesta meet at the top of your solar chart, suggesting that your mind can often turn to your work or long-term goals today. In fact, with a goal in mind, you can be especially focused and ambitious. It can be a perfect time for making long-term plans and lists, organizing, leading, and managing. You’re able to tune out distractions for great results. It may very well feel soothing or healing to get things in order. This transit increases your commitment to a responsibility, your performance, or a long-term goal. You might be communicating with more conviction or authority. You feel the need to gently challenge yourself to move into unexplored territory.


Today’s New Moon occurs in your sector of spirit, adventure, higher learning, worldview, and belief systems or perspective, dear Libra. It’s a fine time to consider a line of study or find the time for more enjoyment and discovery in your life. A review of current or past unfulfilling activities may be the fuel for this reorientation. You’ll be building your faith, as well as understanding where you stand and what you believe. This New Moon acts as a charge, sending you in a new direction. In the coming weeks, you can feel renewed by a new perspective on your life. Sharing your experiences with others, publishing, marketing, or studies can be in stronger focus. It’s an excellent time for an attitude change for the better, positive feelings, optimism, and a stronger sense of purpose or meaning. Still, some self-reflection is appropriate so that you can get in better touch with your true desires. Creative endeavors might benefit from tweaks and edits. The need for more from your life, if misunderstood, can play with your perceptions today. A Mercury-Neptune square suggests that you may require mental refreshment or fresh inspiration, but you may mistake this for restlessness. Consider that discontent may have its root in needs for more fulfilling, creative, or imaginative work. Make time and space, if you can, for artistic or relaxing activities, but if you’re dealing with facts and figures, double-check your work.


After today’s New Moon, dear Scorpio, intimate relationships can benefit from a new start or vision. However, you’re in the process of redefining what you want and need from others, as well as what you expect from yourself. You may be interested in developing a relationship or project further. Seeing old projects or relationships in a new light can prompt a new direction, approach, or beginning. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude is bound to emerge. This lunation can certainly act to stir your desires, and it occurs in the sector of your chart that rules intimacy, trust, bonding, and power dynamics. This house also rules support, shared resources, and debts, and the weeks ahead are strong for finding different ways to connect with a partner, pay off debts, or seek support. Take your time on this, however. It’s too soon to go hard with these things. You may be seeking more passion and intensity in a relationship or with a project, or you can feel compelled to take charge of a matter in which you feel indebted to someone or something. Think in terms of getting organized and simplifying or downsizing, particularly around the home. With Mercury forming a square to Neptune today, watch for wishful thinking that distorts your perceptions and decisions, and aim to put your imagination to more creative, empowering, and productive use.



Today’s New Moon can prompt new beginnings or directions related to your close relationships and partnerships, dear Sagittarius. This lunation can point to a new or renewed connection in your life, or it can be about fresh negotiations and a stronger feeling for what you want from (and can bring to) a relationship. Aim to set intentions and goals that better reflect your redefined wants, needs, and expectations of others. Energies are powerful for a fresh start or turning point. New beginnings related to close relationship goals and needs are possible now. This can be about relating to others in healthier, more creative ways. You may come to meaningful conclusions about your relationship needs through the events of this time in your life. It’s also a fine time for seeing yourself through others’ eyes, taking steps to improve your connections with others, and finding ways to bring more balance, harmony, and beauty into your life, in general. Being more productive and getting your daily affairs sorted seems integral to this. A Mercury-Neptune square active today tends to confuse rather than clarify, but some diffusion may be just what you need right now. It’s better to reserve judgment on a matter until more information surfaces since it’s highly unlikely you’re seeing the whole story now.



The more open and generous your approach today, dear Capricorn, the more rewards seem in the offing. A Sun-Jupiter trine helps you see the benefits of current projects and boosts your outlook, in general. There may be a romantic attraction that motivates you. You’re interested in growing and improving in your creative pursuits and connections, as staying the same doesn’t appeal. Your best self shines through in what you’re doing, and the day has every potential to be empowering. You’re likely to crave a change of pace or a break from the usual routine. You may be teaching in some capacity now, or you could be learning something new and different that’s inspiring. A new channel for expressing yourself might open up, and a surge of enthusiasm brightens your day and your vision of the future. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play, and routine tasks are unlikely to satisfy you. Your mind is wandering, or you’re dealing with a multitude of distractions. You may be seeking a higher purpose or something more satisfying related to work or routines and habits. While there can be some difficulties prioritizing, if you let go of this need, you’ll be in fine shape.



This can be a fine day for cooperating with others, dear Aquarius, and good feelings tend to be reciprocated. There is a strong sense of mutual harmony and a general boost in feelings of peace and security with and through others. Still, you’re seeking a little more meaning from your pursuits or relationships than usual today, and you’re happy to see signs of improvement and growth. It’s a good time for tapping into your intuition. Radiating an expectation of success with people you love does wonders for you now, but so can some introspection. Later today, a Mercury-Jupiter influence suggests you may have too much information to make the bigger decisions, or the news you receive now is missing key points or is misleading. You’ll feel less stress if you let go of the need to find definitive answers today. Enjoyable activities are most relieving.


Today’s good for dreaming up big ideas that help boost your confidence, dear Pisces, particularly on social levels and related to your interests or studies. It’s a fine time for gaining trust or developing and growing a relationship or even a project. The Sun in your communications sector harmonizes with Jupiter in your social sector, and conversations are generous, open, and meaningful, although somewhat meandering later today. Networking can bring rewards or opportunities. You are more invested in your relationships today, and it makes sense to approach your day with an open mind and heart. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect also active today suggests that you may have too much to think about to the point of stress, perhaps related to your personal/home life or friendships. Meaningful, spirited conversations are favored over small talk, which can fall short right now.