
The Moon heads into your sign today, dear Aries, harmonizing with the Sun and supporting a natural flow to your self-expression. People tend to cooperate with you. A surge of enthusiasm brightens your day. Until December 21st, the Sun is spending its time in your solar ninth house of spirit, adventure, and the higher mind. In the weeks ahead, the desire for more than the usual routine often predominates. It’s a good cycle in which to learn, expand your reach, discover new ideas, promote, or publish. It’s a fine time to expand your experiences and interests. You might branch out in a relationship, project, or business. There can be a stronger desire to better your situation in life in meaningful ways or to reach towards a higher level of freedom and well-being. Activities that nourish the soul and spirit are especially significant and attractive to you.


With the Moon heading into your solar twelfth house for a couple of days, dear Taurus, you’re inclined to take a pause that refreshes on an emotional level. Today is better for activities that revolve around getting rest, time for reflection or deep thought, research and investigation, and laying low. You can feel a sense of renewal regarding your feelings about a matter, admitting to feelings you’ve been avoiding, or understanding yourself just a little bit better. The Sun is transiting your solar eighth house until December 21st, and now and in the weeks ahead, you’re discovering your deeper passions. This sector of your chart rules sharing on intimate and financial levels, and while the Sun is here, you may be focused on connecting in a relationship or connecting with your more intimate self, discovering what makes you tick and what you truly want from life. There’s a stronger focus on strategy, planning, and sharing. If you need to kick a bad habit or let go of something that has outgrown its usefulness in your life, this can be a time for making the big change.


With the Moon’s move into your solar eleventh house for a couple of days, dear Gemini, you find it natural to connect with your dreams and ideals. Others are more cooperative, appreciative, and tolerant than usual, particularly with the Moon’s harmony to the Sun in your partnership sector. This is a time of increased desire or need to interact, and collaborating, negotiating, or counseling can figure strongly. The Sun is in this area of your solar chart until December 21st, and now and in the coming weeks, you’re in particularly good shape for improving your relationships. Your general focus is on self-expression through your relationships, negotiations, and finding ways to better balance your life. You seek more harmony, peace, and enjoyment at this time of the year.


Work, duties, or routines can thrive due to your increased motivation today, dear Cancer. Still, with the Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart for a couple of days, you’re highly visible. It’s best to be on your best behavior! Others may expect you to take the lead. The Sun is currently transiting the sector of your solar chart that rules health, wellness, habits, and work or service, where it will stay until December 21st. It’s a strong time for improving your self-care habits. You are feeling more equipped to take charge of your health and wellness. The Moon’s influence in your career sector brings even more emphasis to your practical affairs, performance, and work. You’re connecting with the value of your work or chores.


Several signs point to the need for extra time to yourself today, dear Leo, whether for rest, reflection, or imagination. You need your space. Intuition is powerful today and can serve you especially well when it comes to an intimate relationship, finances or investments, and domestic affairs. Expressing compassion and understanding with people close to you can be rewarding, elevating you and your relationships. It’s a good time to bond through supportive conversations or arrive at a better understanding of a home or work project. Solutions found now tend to be unusual or arrived at unconventionally. Aim to reduce stress now, as the day is good for letting things go. You might enjoy entertainment that engages your emotions and imagination or work on releasing negative feelings about a past hurt. Conversations tend to be sympathetic.


You’re likely to experience a wonderful sense of being “in sync” and supported with someone today, dear Virgo, and a conversation or further thoughts and musings may be the key. It’s a good day to cooperate with others. Listening generously can be key. A Mercury-Neptune transit can make it easier for you to find inspiration. You’re also expressing yourself more imaginatively and charmingly. Agreements and negotiations are favorable, and letting go of stress and negative emotion can be particularly helpful and relieving. Guiding, teaching, or soothing people with words and possible solutions to problems can be rewarding. Tolerant and accepting energy helps you detox. You’re all set to learn from different viewpoints and perspectives, as well as inspire others with yours.


A practical mindset could clash with another part of you that would prefer to throw some caution to the wind today, dear Libra. You could feel divided early today. There can be a rush job or an unexpected change in plans that serve to mix things up a little but can leave you feeling edgy. You can be all wound up with no real plan unless you resolve to pick a project and enjoy it without worrying about what you may be missing as you do. The day advances with far less urgency and pressure. In fact, there’s fantastic energy for special attention and focus on work, health, and business pursuits. Intuition for money, work, and health matters is excellent. You can feel motivated to change things in your environment to improve your productivity.


Early today, tense aspects can lead to quick and perhaps poor choices if you’re not careful, dear Scorpio. It may not be easy or straightforward to harmonize your desires or impulses with your communications. You could be a little restless, with part of you craving emotional excitement but uncertainty about how to get it. The day advances more smoothly. Wonderful energy is with you for nurturing a creative project or special friendship with Venus in your sign connecting with Ceres in your sector of joy. As well, the Moon spends the day in your creativity sector, encouraging special attention to expressive, playful, and heart-centered activities. You could find yourself naturally gravitating towards positive situations and people, perhaps finding yourself exactly where you need to be at the right time.



Earlier today is good for entertainment and a playful, cooperative mood, dear Sagittarius, but you prefer not to idle as the day advances. A more purposeful mindset kicks in with the Moon’s move into your solar sixth house. You’re ready to put the work in with the Moon’s move into your work and health sector for a couple of days. You can quite enjoy yourself as you take care of things. It’s a fine day for easy productivity. As much as the urge to get cracking on duties, chores, work, or health routines is with you, there can be some doubts later today. You can quickly tire of anything that feels run-of-the-mill or lacking in magic and poetry at the moment with Mercury challenged. Look for creative solutions since it can be hard to focus on priorities if you have too many of them.



You’re inclined to keep to yourself early day, dear Capricorn, but grow into a desire to share or express yourself. Fortunately, you’re received well. You tend to seek more interaction with the Moon’s move into Taurus and your solar fifth house. The Moon transits a sector of the chart for only two to three days, but it can serve to remind you of important needs. This particular transit encourages attention to self-expression, creativity, fun, pleasure, and leisure or entertainment. More than usual, you’re emotionally invested in your heartfelt pursuits. Venus harmonizes with the Moon, Saturn, and Chiron, boosting your social confidence and your personal outlook. You could be itching to break out of your usual schedules and habits. Later today, your attention span may be short, so aim to avoid taking on too much. Take this time to understand yourself and your feelings, but avoid making big decisions now.



You can find yourself busy although not very focused as the Moon finishes up its transit of your communications sector today, dear Aquarius. The Moon then enters your solar fourth house, and you crave more quiet, calm, comfort, and familiarity. You’re in particularly good shape for bringing more balance to your domestic world, especially with help from Venus. Pleasurable, restful, and simple activities are tonics for you now. Finding your center is important at this point in the lunar month. Domestic issues tend to override other concerns as the day advances. Because you’re particularly sensitive to chaotic environments, a Mercury-Chiron aspect coming into play tonight can put a damper on your outlook temporarily. Letting go of a tendency to overthink can be hard to do, but worth the effort.


A practical frame of mind continues early day as the Moon finishes up its transit of your solar second house, dear Pisces. With this transit, you tend to prefer keeping things status quo, although the energy of yesterday’s Full Moon is stirring a desire to make improvements. As the day advances, things pick up pace with the Moon’s move into your communications sector. Venus has just begun its transit of your partnership sector, helping you attract helpful or pleasant connections. Today’s good for satisfying conversations and interesting ideas. You’re inclined to want to reach out. A bond might strengthen through sincere communication. It can be a time of making peace with someone. Mental disconnects or doubts later today can slow you down just a little, but you’ll benefit from doing so.