
The Moon moves into your sign today, dear Aries, and emotions run a little higher than usual for a couple of days. Still, today’s energies are complicated for your practical affairs or comfort levels. With the Sun and Saturn forming a challenging aspect, you may need to address a problem area related to a friendship, project, or money matter. Blocks or obstacles can be temporarily deflating and discouraging. You can be particularly sensitive to rejection or to feeling excluded. If you’re dealing with a humbling experience now, aim to take the lesson from it and move forward a little wiser. A good strategy may be to focus on your own commitments and responsibilities and do your best to meet them. Focusing on what you can control can help minimize frustrations. While there can be initial discouragement, believing in yourself based on a realistic assessment of your capabilities leads to more natural confidence. A step by step approach and a focus on essentials and priorities will be in your best interests now.


You’re in excellent shape for personal projects and interests or studies today, dear Taurus. Still, the Moon’s move into your privacy sector for a couple of days suggests it’s a good idea to unwind and release pressure. A Sun-Saturn square reminds you of the rules or limits of a situation, and you can be quite sensitive to criticism or blockages today. It’s a time for working towards a long-term goal and reminding yourself that patience will be rewarded, rather than worrying too much about temporary obstacles. Rising above it means you win. You may not get what you want just now, likely due to career or other responsibilities and limitations, but any slowdowns experienced today can help you focus your attention on those things that truly matter in the long term. Today is about reshuffling your priorities and finding better, more efficient ways to get things done. Today’s energies remind you of the need for more organization or self-discipline.


With the Sun in your privacy sector now, dear Gemini, this is a time of year for letting go of bad habits or tying up loose ends and wrapping up a project. The Sun and Saturn are moving towards a square aspect, however, and you may be seeing a project or situation for its flaws. It may be difficult to get through your routine, or delays can play with your enthusiasm and motivation levels. As much as you’d prefer to lay low and get the rest you need, obligations are likely to pull you out of your comfort zone now. For some, tension can magnify over a difference of opinion, a feeling of dread about facing a problem area, or a sense that your future is limited. Because emotional energy is running low, it can take longer than usual to get through your tasks. You might decide to fight feelings of being overwhelmed by tackling something small to begin with and aiming to do more in steps going forward. Even if there are delays, you might discover ways to improve plans and projects while you wait. As well, it can be a good time for getting the right information to move a money matter forward.



With the Sun in your solar eleventh house, you want to do your own thing these days, dear Cancer. Today, responsibilities and duties can loom large in your mind, however. Problems encountered now are merely reality checks, slowing you down just enough to make necessary refinements. A plan or dream may hit some snags, or it may no longer seem feasible. Even so, it may only take some refinement of your expectations to get back on track. As well, it’s important to avoid cutting corners, because as Saturn challenges the Sun, this is a day for paying closer attention to rules and details for best results. Tense feelings about a relationship may emerge, and it’s best not to jump to conclusions–let things play out before passing judgment. On a personal level, you might be in the mood to challenge yourself. You can surprise yourself with a bold approach to a tricky matter. The Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart suggests a real need to take care of business and to take on your responsibilities.


The Sun is currently transiting your solar tenth house, dear Leo, turning your attention to career, life path goals, and significant structures in your life. A Sun-Saturn square reminds you to think in simpler terms and get the basics right before moving forward. Others may seem to be standing in the way of your progress, but with a little effort and focus on your own goals, this can be a good time for making important tweaks that contribute to long-term success. For some, there can be a feeling that a partnership is restricting you from achieving your goals or reaching your potential, and this can be frustrating. Take things one step at a time, and don’t be afraid to go without just for the time being. You may need to pare things down to move forward. Any apparent slowdowns occurring now require patience. While obligations can feel burdensome in spots today, you also have opportunities to grow through your experiences.


You’re seeking a little more freedom or freeform activities with the Sun now in your spirit sector, dear Virgo. Today, however, you could be feeling hesitant or blocked as the Sun heads toward a square to Saturn. This transit is a signal to get back to basics or to get something right before pushing forward. There’s no need to go against the tide. It’s a time for correcting problems that may have accumulated due to shortcuts taken in the past. Disorganization may need to be addressed and handled. Seeing errors and fixing them now means you’ll be freer and more confident later. You could be feeling drained such that work and daily responsibilities can seem more overwhelming than usual. Slowing down can help you reorient yourself and adjust your expectations for the better.


Try not to read too much into today’s apparent slowdown, dear Scorpio, as the flaws of a situation seem more prominent than the strengths. With a Sun-Saturn square, you could be second-guessing a partner, a plan, or yourself. Try to use a temporary block, hesitation, or delay as a chance to catch your breath. You might come to a more realistic assessment of a relationship or project as a result. Don’t let insecurity prevent you from opportunity, but do wait for a better day to pursue your desires more directly. Keep in mind that people may be a little tight or spare with their emotions, or they’re withholding, but it’s temporary. Aim to slow down, follow the rules, and discipline yourself, as patience has its rewards in the form of long-term benefits. Start small and work one step at a time. Saturn asks you to simplify and doesn’t want you to rush/ If you invest yourself in a plan to strengthen and rebuild patiently and methodically, you’ll ultimately save a lot of time and energy.


The Sun moves into opposition with your sign today, dear Scorpio, and in the month ahead, you’ll be challenged to come to a more balanced state of being. You’re arriving at a larger perspective of what you need and want from your life. There can be a stronger focus on companionship or partnerships now, and you can certainly benefit from feedback and insights of someone special. Some of your personal plans may need refinement, or you may be putting a little less energy into them as you attend to other areas of life. You’re more willing than usual to adjust, adapt, and compromise, and this can strengthen your relationships and your concept of self. Today, you gravitate toward communications projects or learning endeavors, and your stronger sense of purpose and vision shines through. You’re enthusiastic about pursuing recent ideas. Your head and heart are more often than not in agreement right now, leading to better choices.



Motivation or energy levels may seem to wane just a little as the Sun and Saturn reach a square, dear Sagittarius. Timing may be off, or a delay can be part of the picture. You see the flaws of a situation more than usual, and this helps you identify what needs fixing before you move forward. Still, as you are more aware of, or sensitive to, limits and restrictions, it can be somewhat discouraging. It’s best to remind yourself that taking your time to perfect something will be more rewarding and satisfying in the long run. Daily affairs, errands, or odd jobs and duties can serve to frustrate if they get in the way of your ability to thrive in your work or if they drain you of energy. Simplifying is vital for best results. Adjusting expectations is important, and it’s wise to consider that a reality check can help you get back on track.



The month ahead brings energy and inspiration for creative or joyful pursuits, dear Capricorn. The Sun begins its transit of your solar fifth house, where it will stay until May 20th, encouraging play and self-expression. You’re motivated to express yourself in unique ways during this cycle, and you’re a little more willing to take chances. You’re likely to pay more attention to personal hobbies or recreation and entertainment. To help make the most of this transit, aim to tune into your needs for entertainment, self-expression, romance, hobbies, and creative outlets. Your urge to create and share is powerful. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, stimulating your curiosity and your need for light and easygoing exchanges. You’re more emotionally invested in your ideas, beliefs, and intelligence, or you have a stronger need to be heard. Take any chance to heal, repair, and nurture good relationships with others and yourself through communication.



Until May 20th, the Sun is transiting your sector of home and family, dear Aquarius, encouraging the need for you to take pause and center yourself. It’s a good cycle for family activities, home improvement, and boosting your feelings of safety, security, and comfort. You’re paying special attention to your closest ties, foundation, or home life, and it’s a natural time for anchoring and nesting on a psychological level. You’ll be pouring more heart and energy into your personal life. Worldly ambitions, in a general sense, tend to take a backseat now. Take the time to refuel and build up your confidence. Today is good for healing activities that nourish the body and soul. You tend to gravitate to alternative solutions to problems. Business matters can benefit from a more holistic approach, and good advice that takes into account both practical and emotional factors can come your way. Earthy, comforting activities are favored.


The Sun begins its month-long transit of your communications sector, dear Pisces. It’s a cycle of increased curiosity, learning, and mental activity in your life that extends to May 20th. This cycle is excellent for learning new things or developing current studies and interests. In your daily life, you are likely to experience more communication, movement, and activity. Sharing your ideas can be satisfying. So can keeping up (or catching up) with others, dabbling in various projects, or otherwise putting your feelers out for new ideas or interests. It’s an engaged, mentally active period of the year for you. You become more aware of what needs repair, healing, and improvement in your personal environment, communications, and interactions with others. The Moon spends today in your sign, enlivening your mood. You seek out a stronger connection or more relevance. It’s a time for recognizing your emotional needs and expressing your feelings in satisfying ways. Communications tend to be received well and as intended, and are more likely to reflect what’s going on in your heart.


The Sun enters your sign today, dear Taurus, and will transit Taurus until May 20th. During this cycle, you become more aware of what needs to heal and improve regarding your personal needs, plans, and manner, getting you off to a great start for the year ahead. It’s a time for seizing the day, and for being heard, noticed, and counted. You exude more personal strength at this time, and you are likely to feel more in charge of your life. With more attention coming your way, you’re motivated to improve and attract what you truly want and need into your life more readily. You are regaining your initiative now with the Sun in your sign. Aim to make the most of this period by being positive and believing in yourself. Today, there is a good spirit of cooperation and acceptance that you appreciate. Sharing ideas and personal philosophies might help bond you with others. You might discover something fascinating or new information about a situation that empowers you.


The Sun begins its transit of your privacy and soul sector today, dear Gemini. Until May 20th, you might seek a little more downtime, rest, and physical and emotional replenishment. While this cycle isn’t ideal for pushing yourself or your plans, it’s wonderful for getting your bearings and reflecting upon recent events, conditions, and feelings. You might be closing matters that have run their natural course, and you’re inclined to instinctively withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life as you get to know yourself, your goals, and your needs a little more intimately. It’s a fine time for creative thinking, imagining, and relaxing. It’s also an important period for healing in preparation for new beginnings when the Sun enters your sign next month. Still, with the Moon at the top of your solar chart, it can feel good to nurse an ambition without pressure or stress. Pacing yourself comes more easily than usual. You have a uniquely creative touch now.



The Sun begins its transit of your social sector today, dear Cancer, where it will influence until May 20th. This yearly, monthlong influence is a supportive one. You tend to focus on projects, people, and ideas that inspire you. You pay more attention to the social side of things, friendships, and the community. It’s generally a time to ease off pressures to perform or accomplish. At the same time, you’re bringing even more of your energy and personality to your friendships, and possibly some leadership skills as well. It’s a fine time for sharing your talents or know-how with networks or associates, as well as for awakening your need for more humanitarian, free-spirited activities. Today is strong for nurturing your imagination and paying special attention to your emotional or spiritual needs. The day’s energies are good for your confidence and outlook.


The Sun’s new month-long transit places special emphasis on your career, responsibilities, and goals, dear Leo. Until May 20th, you put more heart into your professional or social standing and your ability to meet your responsibilities. You seem to have a stronger need or desire to perform well, set goals, and get on track. Expect higher demands on you at this time of year, both personally and professionally. It’s a sound period for taking charge of your life, and also for promoting yourself or your product or business. You might be in the position to lead, or you could take on, or be given, more responsibility. Today, however, background and detail work can thrive. It’s a good time to look for ways to boost your projects. It can be quite natural and enjoyable for you to throw yourself into a project, particularly one that involves investigation, analysis, and research. It’s also a fine time for some emotional healing. You’re likely to feel refreshed from the inside out.


The Sun begins its month-long visit of your solar ninth house, dear Virgo, encouraging your desire to experience life beyond the ordinary routine. It’s a pleasant cycle for exploring new ideas, and it’s a fine time for resolving to approach your life in more empowering, positive ways. Anything that expands your understanding of the world appeals more than usual as you seek mental refreshment. It can be a time when you refresh your ideals and beliefs or give your all to the ones you already have. Your aspirations are stronger driving forces in your life in the weeks ahead (until May 20th). Today, there tends to be a natural gravitational pull towards relationships and partnerships. It’s a rather easy time for relating and creating. It’s a good idea to take a break from overthinking. Seeking someone’s input can be received as a pleasant gesture, subtly strengthening a bond. There are nice emotional rewards for sharing a bit of yourself.


With the Sun now in your intimacy sector, dear Libra, the deeper side of life draws you right in. With the Sun square Saturn, however, tensions can emerge. If you catch yourself seeing the negative when you could be doing something more constructive, try to tame the urge. Your ability to see the flaws is enhanced now, which can be put to good use. Following rules, streamlining, and simplifying are important strategies today since doing so will reduce waste and save you time in the longterm, even if it feels as if it’s slow going right now. For some, someone may be discouraging your more playful side, or there can be a feeling of being censored in a relationship. Temporary setbacks may discourage you now, but they could also lead to greater happiness later, so be as patient as you can. This aspect is about taking care of your future self, even if it means sacrificing your comfort levels right now.


Try not to read too much into today’s apparent slowdown, dear Scorpio, as the flaws of a situation seem more prominent than the strengths. With a Sun-Saturn square, you could be second-guessing a partner, a plan, or yourself. Try to use a temporary block, hesitation, or delay as a chance to catch your breath. You might come to a more realistic assessment of a relationship or project as a result. Don’t let insecurity prevent you from opportunity, but do wait for a better day to pursue your desires more directly. Keep in mind that people may be a little tight or spare with their emotions, or they’re withholding, but it’s temporary. Aim to slow down, follow the rules, and discipline yourself, as patience has its rewards in the form of long-term benefits. Start small and work one step at a time. Saturn asks you to simplify and doesn’t want you to rush/ If you invest yourself in a plan to strengthen and rebuild patiently and methodically, you’ll ultimately save a lot of time and energy.



The Sun begins its transit of your work and health sector, dear Sagittarius, boosting your attention to your daily affairs, work, and self-care routines. This cycle is excellent for getting on top of your daily affairs, and it lasts until May 20th. It’s a time for seeing areas that need improvement, and for taking charge. New health and wellness routines can be in focus. You’ll want to get the details of your life in better order. This transit awakens a need to lead a more organized, productive, and healthier lifestyle. It’s a good time to find a little more meaning in your daily affairs or to catch up on important matters. You’re putting more heart and effort into getting your life on track and smoothly running. Your desire to slow down and nest is strong today, however. It’s a good day for catching your breath on an emotional level. Your intuitive sense for business, family, and health strategies is well-developed.



While the Sun’s transit is now bringing more playful and expressive energy into your life in general, dear Capricorn, there are natural breaks to this flow, and today may be one of those times. Insecurity or responsibility might hold you back from expressing yourself openly and naturally. A Sun-Saturn square reminds you of certain realities and practical factors related to recent projects and relationship developments. Your attention turns to limitations, likely having to do with resources, including money. Another possibility with this combination is the sense that others are not treating you for what you’re worth or deserve. It’s important to be patient, to think in realistic, practical terms, and to learn from any setbacks or discouraging situations. Taking a lesson from a humbling experience can be very worth your while, saving you time and energy in the long run. Attention to practical matters now brings rewards later, but it’s helpful to remind yourself of a special dream or goal as you put in the work or make a sacrifice.



Today’s energies are good for attention to detail and for advances in work or health arenas, dear Aquarius, but you could feel a little tied down in spots. Current blocks can slow you down long enough to see potential problems or drawbacks that previously escaped your attention. With the Sun now in your home and family sector, the need to get comfortable is strong. Still, today, you might deal with competing desires to be nurtured and to get things done independently. A Sun-Saturn challenging aspect can serve as a valuable checkpoint, but it can present as a frustrating one. It reminds you of rules, restrictions, and limitations, and it’s time for adjusting a plan or initiative rather than pushing ahead. You may need to get nagging problems out of the way before you can enjoy some peace. This is the first such aspect since Saturn entered your sign in March, and you could feel a little cut off or unappreciated. If so, aim to be more explicit about your needs rather than wait for others to jump to your aid. Still, energy may be low just for now, so wait things out and return to projects (or sensitive conversations) another day when you feel refreshed.


While you can feel quite encouraged with personal interests and projects today, dear Pisces, the need to slow down and possibly deal with some blocks is likely as the day advances. A Sun-Saturn aspect can make it too easy to focus on what’s not working in your life, better use of your energy would be to work on straightening out problems and details. Areas that need work become apparent today. Focusing on what’s good for you in the long term help, although things can feel a little slow or restrictive for now. The desire to reach out and share your story or connect with others can reach some blocks. Fears of being too vulnerable or of putting yourself out there can emerge. It’s important to note that this transit has the effect of magnifying problem areas, and this helps you identify and work on resolving them. Keep in mind that you may be judging yourself or your performance too harshly, but taking notes or lessons from whatever is happening now will probably serve you best. It may be better to think things through and wait things out.