
The Moon moves into your solar eighth house, dear Aries, further highlighting your need to look within or to observe rather than push forward with plans. Tensions over money, valuables, and business matters can be part of the day, but as the day advances, you feel stronger and more content. In fact, you can turn worries into creative changes. As much as you’d like to, it can be difficult to get motivated and get going on something independently. Perhaps the best way to handle this is to use extra energy to offer others help rather than wait for something to happen. As well, it can be challenging to make a partner or friend happy now, as there can be mixed signals that are difficult to read. Still, through minor conflicts or misunderstandings comes more insight into yourself and others.


With the Moon’s move into a relationship sector of your solar chart (the Sun is in one too), dear Taurus, today and tomorrow can be especially friendly or connected days. Good energy is with you for negotiations and partnering. Relations with a partner can be stimulating and forward-moving. Helping out a partner, or simply listening more intently to a friend’s needs and concerns, is a big key to success today. Still, you can be more sensitive to imbalances in relationships than usual, particularly regarding attachment and freedom levels. Your desire to go your own way seems to clash with a desire for company. When you’re more sensitive to the moods of others and your environment, it can fog up your vision of what you and others want. It can be difficult to distinguish which feelings belong to you. For example, you might imagine that a friend is unhappy when it’s you who is insecure at the moment. Aim to identify your feelings and sort them out if they are interfering with clarity.


Today is strong for getting your daily affairs into order, dear Gemini. The need to be productive and useful kicks in. You tend to go out of your way helping out, but you might need to delegate some tasks, take some time for yourself, or say “no” once in a while. Avoid over-committing. You can have a stronger desire to tackle the small problems and items on your to-do list today, but there can be distractions to wrestle. In fact, circumstances may seem to be conspiring to keep you from doing all that you want to do. So that you keep your sense of humor, it may be best to arrive at a compromise and relax expectations if they’re too rigid. Avoid leaving yourself hanging in limbo if you can. You’ll end the day much happier if you’ve accomplished something, however big or small.



The Moon moves into your creativity sector, dear Cancer, and you can feel a strong desire to express yourself. You are taking on a very active nurturing role right now, and it’s especially pronounced today. While the mood is playful and pleasant today, there is a tendency towards excess that may need to be tamed. Whether or not to get closer to someone could be an issue for you. You’re inclined to seek a bit of positive feedback and validation from people and the world around you, which can be successful to some degree. However, avoid investing too much of your happiness into this! With the Moon’s opposition to Venus and Uranus, you’re likely to find that others are a little too concerned with their own issues to notice yours. While it can be a little disappointing, you can turn this energy around and reach out to others to help them. You’ll find yourself in a far better position than waiting around for someone to save you.


The Moon moves into your family and home sector today, dear Leo, and it’s a signal that you need some downtime. The sense that you need to make sweeping changes to your plans can be at the root of restlessness or a lack of ability to relax fully. Aim to prioritize what works best for you. While it can be difficult knowing what you want from others, as you worry less about it, it becomes easier and more productive and attractive to connect. It can be difficult to get completely comfortable today if you have no idea what your overarching plan is. The remedy to this, however, is to consider making small, realizable goals until you get a clearer picture of the master plan. This way, you’ll be actively building your confidence instead of waiting for life to happen to you. It’s a great time to get in touch with any needs and desires you’ve kept at bay or suppressed.



Today, you enjoy the feeling of being busy, but might find it hard to know exactly what you want to do with yourself at times, dear Virgo. The Moon moves into your communications sector, placing some emphasis on making connections. Daily life can feel a little demanding today, and as much as you’d like to get a lot done, distractions can be plenty. It may not be easy to fill all of your goals if you’re lacking inspiration temporarily. It may be that you are setting your dreams and expectations a little too high. If they feel too lofty or out of reach, motivation to work towards them can be left wanting. This is not about letting go of your bigger dreams, but rather about setting realizable intermediary goals so that you don’t feel so overwhelmed that you give up. People tend to be holding back their true feelings and more sensitive emotions today, so it could be an uphill battle trying to get the information you crave.


With a Sun-Jupiter transit occurring now, dear Libra, you might meet someone who stimulates you with new ideas, and your enthusiasm is likely to be strong. There can be valuable information gained concerning work possibilities or your present job. You are sending a positive message to others about your skills, integrity, or competence through your can-do attitude. Opportunities to work from home, or to reorganize and improve your home life, may arise. With Jupiter in your solar fourth house most of the year, you’re often seeking to improve your personal life, and today, particularly so. Relationships with family can thrive, especially with an open mind and generous spirit. You can use this time to do something special with or for family, or simply for yourself, as boosting up your nest can lift your spirits high.


The Moon moves into your sign early today, upping the emotional volume, dear Scorpio. Feelings you may have kept at bay demand your full attention now. You can be filled with initiative today, but perhaps a little restless if you’re not sure where to direct your energy. The Moon in your sign tends to animate and perhaps exaggerate your emotions so that you pay more attention to them. In truth, you may only be seeking a bit of feedback or validation for your feelings now. You should be quite successful at this for most of the day. However, you might encounter some resistance from others as you push ahead independently. Or, others may seem more unreliable or detached today. Either way, freedom is a bigger deal than usual to you right now, and you might need to examine your feelings more closely on the matter.


Today is a day for laying low as the Moon moves into your privacy sector, dear Sagittarius, signaling a need to take the pressure off. If you’ve recently been feeling put upon by others who expect you to do more than your share, learning your boundaries can be important today. There is a tendency to downplay your needs, and while this can work just fine for you much of the day, there can be moments when you feel a little uncomfortably out of touch. You may be withdrawn or perhaps secretive with others. If you find yourself avoiding situations that demand too much of your energy, it may very well be strategic and helpful today as you need time to recoup before moving forward. However, drawing the line on this is important as it can turn into unhealthy avoidance or escapism if taken too far. There can be some tension in the air, but try to use this downtime well, and some issues or problems in your life can be clarified. This is a good time to learn more about your inner workings and motivations.


Today is beneficial for most social activities and relationships, dear Capricorn, even if there can be some ups and downs. Rebelliousness and issues of freedom are themes, but there can be pleasure and spiciness in your interactions, too. There can be pleasant hints of something exciting going on now. Conversations tend to be inspired and inspiring. Responsibilities feel less pressing today, which opens you up to more enjoyment and sociability. Still, turning your attention to the outside world or your loftier goals can be just what you need to gain perspective! While your social inclinations are active today, you might need to deal with issues of freedom or unreliability. Alternatively, you could find yourself in demand and a little divided about where to put your energy, and perhaps even your allegiances.



This morning, the Moon moves to the top of your chart, dear Aquarius, and puts you “out there” or serves to remind you of your responsibilities. You can experience a tug-of-war of sorts between your desire to get things done and your need to relax and blend in with your surroundings today, however. Public and personal lives tend to compete for your attention. Without a solid foundation, not much else feels completely right. Look for ways to fill your creative impulses and to make some corrections in your personal life. Confidence-building makes the most sense right now. While you may be juggling many things, if you aim to focus on the moment so that nobody can rightfully complain that you are distracted, you’ll probably be best off. Since your awareness of future consequences is strong, it’s a good time to plan prudently once you center yourself.


The Moon moves into your adventure sector today, dear Pisces, and there can be a real rush of positive, forward-looking energy with you. You could be feeling a little unsteady in spots, and people can grate on your nerves, or you need to deal with deadlines or a hard-to-manage schedule. There is certainly a desire for something out of the ordinary now, but distractions, schedule changes, or lack of planning can interfere. Crossed wires can cause some minor issues and muddled plans. It can be especially difficult concentrating on mundane tasks today, as your mind tends to drift, and your heart is somewhere else. However, over the coming days, you’ll address a lack of organization or excessive demands on your time. For now, take little steps towards your goals. Through small problems, you might discover alternate ways to enjoy yourself.