Although he started releasing music a few years back i, it wasn’t up until the Lockdown, that Ludhiana born Anuv Jain had decided to become a “full-time” singer-songwriter. “Three months back I think, I took this call of creating music for a living. I mean I charted out entire sort of future for me if I get into this. But I realise, this is what I love the most and that’s why I decided to become a proper singer-songwriter,” says Anuv.

His social media following has played a very important role in him choosing music as a career. “For someone who just started putting up videos, just on their guitar, without any major label backing, its nice to see how people have liked my music, and more people are listening to it. It’s a really encouraging thing for me to see that people like my music and want more of it ,” says the 25-year-old.


Just like the indie sensation Prateek Kuhad, Anuv’s music too, is often dominated by acoustic or clean electric guitars, with lyrics that “talk about commonly felt emotions,” which make his songs are extremely relatable.

“Music has to be very personal. Isn’t it?” he asks. “ I mean if an artist, is not able to draw from their own experience, then I don’t think theres a point of creating art in the first place. All of my songs have been drawn from incidents that I have witnessed, and how I felt in those moments. An artist can’t be scared of sharing those emotions,” says Anuv, who became even more popular name, at the start of the Lockdown with his single, Maula, which was a dedication to his father, who passed away.

“ It wasn’t easy, of course. But it was a pain, I wanted to share with the people, and as a family we were really strong around that time. I wanted to share all that, and it was just really beautiful to see how so many people loved it,” he says.

His latest single, Alag Aaasman, a bitter sweet love song about relationships, too has been well received and the song has almost hit the five lakh mark on YouTube, within two weeks of its release. “It’s about being away from the person you really care about and love spending time with. And you don’t really realise their worth, till you are with them, and only when they are, metaphorically speaking, under ‘a different sky’. It was something, that I was going through last year, and I thought about it while coming back home from Mumbai,” he says.


The song, is played on a ukulele, which as Anuv says, was more of an audience demand. “ My last song on ukulele was in 2018, Ocean – an English song. A lot of people on social media did keep asking me, to do another song on a ukulele, and since this song, despite all that pain, has a happy vibe, ukulele made sense,” he signs off.