Gujarat State Education Board (GSEB) has declared the class 12th science results on Sunday. The GSEB class 12th Science result can be checked online at by entering the six-digit seat number as mentioned in their hall ticket.

This year a total of 71.34% students have qualified the GSEB 12th Science exam. Last year, the pass percentage was 71.90%. Out of the total 1,16,643 registered students, 1,16,494 had taken the exam. This year the pass percentage of make students is 71.69 while the pass percent of female candidates is 70.85.

A total of 36 schools have achieved 100% result while 68 schools have achieved less than 10% results.

Check highlights here:

Number of students registered— 1,16,643

Number of students present– 1,16,494

pass percent- 71.34%; Llast year it was 71.9%

Pass percent of male- 71.69%

Pass percent of female- 70.85%

Number of schools with 100% results- 36

Number of schools with less than 10% results — 68

Direct link to check GSEB 12th Science Result 2020