CM Yogi referred the prayer letters to the concerned authorities and directed them to address public issues with utmost seriousness and sensitivity as well as to take strict legal action against those who illegally encroach on people’s land and try to harm, or destroy the weak.
Yogi Adityanath also gave directions to provide the benefits of government welfare schemes to all the needy and eligible persons and to ensure that no one suffers.
On applications seeking financial aid for the treatment of serious diseases, CM Yogi directed officials to expedite the estimation process of the cost of treatment and make it available to the government as soon as possible so that the required funds can be released at the earliest.
CM Yogi reached out to the people seated on the chairs and told them that he would ensure the resolution of all their issues.
He further mentioned that the government is with the needy and there is no dearth of money for treatment of the needy.
“The state government stands with the needy who face obstacles in accessing medical treatment due to financial constraints. There is no dearth of money for the treatment of the needy. Individuals should feel free to share their issues with the government so that the government can address them promptly,” said CM Yogi.
CM Yogi also blessed the children who came to the Janata Darshan with their parents, offered chocolates and encouraged them to study well. (ANI)