Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya on Sunday slammed opposition and said that the challenge named “Congress” used to be there in history, not at present and in their place, a new opposition consisting of clean people will emerge.
“The challenge of the name Congress used to be there in history, but not at present. In their place will come a new opposition consisting of clean people. Akhilesh Yadav has scored the boundary of defeats. He lost in 2014, 2017, 2019 and 2022. Now he will also hit six of defeats when he loses in 2024 and 2027. Even after losing so many times, he is still fighting, I admire his courage. People are now busy eliminating the Samajwadi Party and Congress has no importance left in Uttar Pradesh,” he said.
Further, speaking on the INDIA bloc’s ‘Ulgulan Rally’, Maurya said all the opposition parties do not have anything to show in comparison with the works of the BJP.
“INDIA alliance started from Karnataka and by the time it reached Mumbai it remained half. Now whatever rally they hold, the BJP government has done such a good job that the opposition is not able to get space. Once upon a time, everyone would have come together against Congress and today the entire opposition has come together against BJP but still cannot stop our victory. The big targets set for 2024-2029 are our strength. Youth power, women power, and farmers are our strength,” UP Deputy CM said.
Exuding confidence in winning the Lok Sabha elections, Keshav Prasad Maurya said, “BJP and our allies will win eight seats in the first phase with a huge margin. Preparations for the second and third phases are going on in full swing and we are confident that BJP will win 80 seats in 2024.”
Eight seats in western Uttar Pradesh, including Kairana, Muzaffarnagar, Bijnor, Nagina, Moradabad, Rampur, and Saharanpur, went to polls in the first phase of the general elections on Friday.
The most populous state, which sends the most members to the Lower House of Parliament, at 80, will poll across all seven phases.
In the 2019 elections, turning the arithmetic of the SP-BSP ‘Mahagatbandhan’ in Uttar Pradesh upside down, the BJP and its ally Apna Dal (S) won 64 of the 80 Lok Sabha seats. The partners in the alliance, Akhilesh Yadav’s SP and Mayawati’s BSP, could only muster 15 seats. (ANI)