Samsung India’s employees are donating a sum of 1 crore to the PM Cares Fund in a bid to support India’s fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The voluntary contribution by the employees is a testament to the same commitment, and takes roots in the Samsung values of People and Co-prosperity, among the other values such as Excellence, Change and Integrity,” Samsung wrote in a press release.

This sum has been voluntarily raised by Samsung India employees from their individual salaries and this contribution is in addition to the 20 crore that Samsung India had pledged to donate in April.

To give you some idea, Samsung India pledged to donate a sum of 20 crore towards India’s Covid-19 relief operations back in April. While the company pledged to donate a sum of 15 crore to the PM Cares Fund back in April, it donated 5 crore towards the Covid-19 relief operations in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu where the company has two of its manufacturing facilities. While one factory is located in Noida, the other one is located in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai.

In addition to this, Samsung India has also donated medical equipment such as preventive masks and Personal Preventive Equipment (PPE) kits such as surgeon gowns, face masks, gloves, preventive eye wear, hood caps and shoe covers towards the Covid-19 relief operations in the country.

Additionally, the company has also equipped hospitals and at other healthcare facilities with a large number of infra-red thermometers, public address systems and air purifiers in medical facilities.

Recently, the Korean tech giant donated Digital X-ray and Digital Ultrasound machines to hospitals in Noida, Rajkot and Pune.