Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Friday interact with Sarpanches from across the country via video conferencing. I a tweet, the Prime Minister’s office said the interaction will take place at 11 am.

“At 11 AM today, PM @narendramodi would be interacting with Sarpanchs from across the nation via video conferencing. All Sarpanchs will be able to join this interaction through Doordarshan, from their respective homes adhering to social distancing norms,” the PMO tweet said. April 24 is observed as the Panchayati Raj Day .

“Those Sarpanchs who will be sharing their views with PM @narendramodi will be doing so by joining the interaction at a Common Service Centre close to them,” the second tweet from PMO said.

The Prime Minister had said on Thursday that the commitment of the Panchayati Raj system in warding off the coronavirus challenge is an inspiration for everyone in the fight against this crisis.

“We are facing an unprecedented crisis in terms of the coronavirus, which is a threat to the entire humanity. All the countrymen are facing this crisis in a united manner,” Prime Minister Modi wrote in a letter to Panchayati Raj Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Thursday.

He also said that the government believes that a strong rural economy is a key to the country’s development and his government moves forward with Mahatma Gandhi’s thought that India’s soul lives in its villages.

Prime Minister Modi enumerated the measures that the government took to strengthen the rural sector like bringing the villages under the power network and boosting digital connectivity to the last mile.