
While you’re in a grounding, deliberate cycle right now, dear Aries, today’s energies can leave you feeling a little drained or without a clear direction. It’s temporary, and it may be a sign that you need to take a pause. You might be temporarily tuning in to past difficult conditions, dealing with guilt, or frustrated about lost time. Those things you have neglected may reveal themselves today, or they could be catching up with you. If you’re feeling behind, keep in mind that it will pass. For now, try to get in touch with what it is that you’re escaping or avoiding and look for ways to close something or deal with loose ends so that you can move forward. Later today, conversation topics or thoughts can be deeper and more serious, perhaps going into frustrating territory. You could be fixating on a particular idea or problem as Mercury in your sign heads toward a square to intense Pluto. If you feel pressured to perform or if your ideas are not received well, you could be tense and frustrated. Plan to strengthen areas where you feel the most vulnerable. Watch what you say, particularly professionally or publicly, but try your best not to dwell on problem areas.


The Sun in your sign gives you a personal boost, dear Taurus, leaving you feeling more in charge of your life in a general and relative sense. Today, however, there can be a tendency to want to cocoon yourself from stressful situations. You might not be feeling up to coming to conclusions, making strict commitments, or dealing with definitions. A friendship can be on the ambiguous side for some. Try to stay calm and composed if something unexpected crops up, since you’ll get back on track soon enough. Later today, a Mercury-Pluto square comes into influence, and you’re not satisfied with superficial explanations or offhand answers to your questions. Differences in opinion or lack of understanding can arise that frustrate you. You may feel backed into a corner or forced to make a decision, which only makes you want to dig in your heels harder. Focus can be on a private matter or an unresolved issue from your past, and it can be a real challenge to relax your mind. Do your best to detach yourself from negative thinking and perhaps even use worry to fuel efforts to fix problems.


These days, you’re getting your bearings and reflecting upon recent events, conditions, and feelings, dear Gemini. In the first half of today, you might grapple with lowering energy or motivation levels, and perhaps some ambiguous feelings about friendship, work, or reputation matters. Take the extra time to unwind, or if you are unable to do so, be a little extra cautious and vigilant with rules, facts, and figures. On a positive note, however, this can be a good time for creative thinking, imagining, and relaxing. As the day advances, there can be some tensions to manage nevertheless. Your thinking tends to deepen, which can be just fine, but if it takes a sharp turn, you should watch that it doesn’t work against you. Mercury and Pluto form a square, and this can trigger insecurities or fears. Interactions with others can run hot and cold, and you may be giving off some rather provocative energy even if you are not at first aware of it. Avoid defensiveness and thinking in extremes. Doing something about problems, even through small adjustments, is how you win.




You’re more focused on what makes you happy these days, dear Cancer, as you feel less worried about performance. Today, there can be some fuzziness or ambiguity to deal with as the Sun and Neptune form a minor challenging aspect. Temporarily, it may not be easy to motivate yourself to get a whole lot done. If you let things flow along rather than push for definitions and firm answers, you’ll be far better off. Be a little more vigilant in situations that require extra focus or attention, but nurture your imagination otherwise. It’s important to pay special attention to the emotional or spiritual needs that you’ve overlooked. Differences in style, tastes, or beliefs between you and others can glare or disrupt things later today. Or, there can be an issue that takes over your thoughts to the point that you’re completely distracted from what truly needs your attention. Conversations can be loaded, or people are taking things the wrong way. If you can manage to turn frustrations around, you can use them to fix problems or strengthen weak areas.


You can be feeling a stronger motivation to take care of business, and attend to responsibilities these days, dear Leo. With today’s Sun-Neptune aspect, however, doubts may be setting in regarding your goals, or you could be putting faith in something unrealistic. Procrastination is possible now. Try to take a break or slow yourself down to get your bearings. As the day advances, a Mercury-Pluto square comes into force, and it can leave you feeling that you’re in the dark about a matter. Watch for worrying too much or focusing more on the problems than the possible solutions. While your eye for detail is excellent, it may be at the expense of seeing the bigger picture. It can be a little too easy to get on one another’s nerves or to put too much stock in opinions. Try not to pressure yourself to manage a matter that doesn’t need so much of your attention.


Restlessness or a temporary dip in motivation can figure strongly in the first half of the day, dear Virgo. If you’re receiving confusing signals from a significant person, it may have to do with uncertainties rather than full-on problems. With a Sun-Neptune aspect, it can be all too easy to glamorize a situation or person. Someone’s behavior can be hard to understand. With emotions and people, you don’t appreciate ambiguity. While you may want to know where you stand, it may be best to reserve judgment today. Aim to focus on manageable and predictable matters if you need a break. As the day advances, a Mercury-Pluto comes into play, and it can be harder than usual to let something go. If you can channel this intense energy into something constructive, you’ll find you’re more focused than usual. You may feel the need to unload some mental tension. Watch for a tendency to try to over-manage results or situations, as this can be unnecessarily draining


While you may want to focus on the positive today, dear Libra, you could be feeling a bit deflated temporarily. Second-guessing something may prove useful if it gives you a chance to catch your breath. Try not to expect too much, and perhaps keep in mind that you are a little more sensitive to imbalances in your environment and fluctuations in others’ moods. A dip in vitality is likely short-lived, and you can be highly creative when it comes to new or improved work methods. Later today, you might be mulling over issues and reexamining matters as Mercury forms a square to Pluto, raising fears and ambitions. You could be worried about matters of security and stability, but an examination of your fears and deeper needs can help you to adapt to changes. Try not to worry too much if someone is not in agreement or doesn’t appear to share your values. Your mind may be going to darker or deeper places than usual today, but the process can lead to good ideas about how to better manage your life.


In the first half of today, dear Scorpio, a Sun-Neptune influence can temporarily slow you down, but it’s likely to work for your benefit. Work and chores can seem overwhelming just for now. If energy is variable, it may be a reflection of some lack of confidence in what you’re currently doing or where you’re heading. Allow yourself to steer a little off course if it’s possible so that you can get your bearings. Timing can be ever so slightly off, making it best not to load your schedule. Consider whether something’s missing on spiritual or emotional levels. As the day advances, there can be some mental tension due to the stress of increased demands on you. While giving something further thought is helpful, try to shake it off if you find yourself dwelling and it’s truly interfering with your day. Alternatively, you can find a way to act upon your feelings and beliefs, even in a small way, so that you can feel you’re actually going somewhere with them. A good rule of thumb today is to strive to be gentle with yourself and/or others, which means be careful with what you reveal or expose.



In the first half of today, you’re unlikely to find a direct path to achieving your goals, dear Sagittarius, and you might even temporarily second-guess things. A Sun-Neptune aspect active now challenges you to question the ordinary, but this is about taking a detour not facing a roadblock. Imagine, dream, and consider options that you’ve forgotten now. It’s important to be flexible and willing to adapt. Physical energy levels may be on the low side, but creative imagination is powerful and may very well be uplifting. As the day advances, however, a Mercury-Pluto square can bring out mental tension. If you focus on what you’re doing and what can be accomplished, this can be a good time for gaining new insight into a matter, or for furthering a project through research or deeper concentration. You may very well merely need a small change of pace to feel back on track romantically or emotionally. However, consider that communications are tricky for now.



You can feel building enthusiasm to express yourself creatively, dear Capricorn. It’s best to be flexible and stay open to possibilities today since it’s a time more for gathering inspiration than for locking down plans. Learning new things about your emotional needs can lead to exciting new beginnings right now. After all, if you’re happy and motivated, your energy levels are much stronger than if you’re only going through the motions. A new Ceres cycle begins today and will stick around for much of the coming ten months. In the months ahead, you’re likely to seek more nourishment and emotional satisfaction in your communications, studies, connections, and personal interests. You may express your affection by teaching, mentoring, and otherwise supporting others, particularly with your expertise, knowledge, and advice. It’s an excellent transit for boosting your communication skills, which is especially potent at this time.



This is a good time for some self-pampering and nest-building, dear Aquarius, as emotional refreshment seems to come from getting comfortable. Still, you’re doing your home routine differently these days with Uranus in your home and family sector. While you need some rest, a makeover of some areas of your home life seems attractive now. Listen to your discontent, but avoid pushing yourself to take on too much at once. Recognizing your need for refreshment encourages you to take charge and make the changes you want, and pacing yourself on this front makes the most sense. There can be a stronger need for familiarity. A new cycle starting today that is with you for most of the coming ten months is good for nurturing your talents and building a business or your resources. Your practical intelligence strengthens now, and you’re paying closer attention to your possessions, money, stock, or resources. This is an exceptional period for growing a money-making idea or pursuit.


The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Pisces, and your curiosity is building. If you feel restricted or forced to stick within rigid rules, you might feel a bit restless now. However, it’s a good time to think, learn, and communicate. While it may not be the best day for concentration, you can be productive if you vary up your routine. You need the room to create, explore, and discover today. It’s an important time to give your mind something refreshing on which to focus. Also today, Ceres enters your sign for an extended stay. Ceres will be in Pisces for much of the coming ten months. It’s a time for nurturing yourself and others–taking the lead comes naturally, and people tend to seek you out for support, help, comfort, and advice. You have a particularly caring and supportive image. It’s a good time for special attention to health and nutrition.