With present circumstances beingunlike ever before, we ask Bollywood actors about the one thing they want freedom from, this Independence Day. Also, given how the meaning of ‘being free’ has changed this year as we face a global health crisis, how do they feel it has changed their perspective of freedom, which we usually take for granted? Check out what they have to say:


Divya Dutta

Divya Dutta

Freedom from insensitivity in society

People keep pulling each other down, not feeling what the other person needs. It’d be a much better place if we can take that attitude out of our society. And I want the pandemic, so we can get back to normal, people get back their jobs.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: We’ve actually found a bigger freedom inside to just be and do things that we’ve never done before. This pandemic has made us sit at home and now you have freedom to choose what you have missed out on.


Adhyayan Suman

Adhyayan Suman

Freedom from poverty

Often when I drive down in my car I see people who barely manage to eat, and my heart bleeds watching that. I want to help everyone. Also, animals on the street, especially when there’s a pandemic and it’s monsoon season, people don’t get out often to feed them — they starve.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as:We’re free, yet trapped in our own houses and our souls. This year has been an eye opener, as it has been tough to accept the toxicity in our society, and all around the globe. It’s made me think hard. People have misused freedom and the freedom of speech, and that is the reason I feel we’re being punished.


Aahana Kumra

Aahana Kumra

Freedom from coronavirus

I want to be free from wearing these masks that has become a part of our existence. I miss travelling, stepping out of my house and all those simple pleasures of life. Life in these times has changed and how, I want the normal back.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as:This pandemic is a great educator and sort of teaches us that we shouldn’t take people and certain things for granted. So, let’s respect everybody’s freedom of speech, expression and be there for each other.


Vatsal Sheth

Vatsal Sheth

Freedom from gossips and rumours

Be responsible and don’t spread wrong information. Check the authenticity of a message before you forward it. Also, I want people to respect each other’s freedom. You might have the freedom to do something but it shouldn’t harm anyone or interfere in somebody else’s freedom.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: In such stressful times, we need to spread positivity and not hatred. Think beyond our own selves and be there for each other. Given the restrictions, we should understand the importance of all those things that we’ve been taking for granted. I hope these times will change us for better.


Rasika Dugal

Rasika Dugal

Freedom from the virus

I also want freedom from how polarised we have become. In the world I used to know, people with opposing point of views could at least have a conversation.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: Though with this pandemic, we are no longer the free souls, the meaning of freedom does not change. The way we appreciate it, is what changes. It gets enhanced when it is taken away from us.



Freedom from the pandemic

To be free would be to be free from within, irrespective of the circumstances and to really be resilient no matter what life and karma throws at us. In these tough times, be strong. Tough times don’t last, tough people do, and that is true independence.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: For me, it now means the ability to adjust, and to be able to be productive irrespective of the circumstances externally, like this pandemic. So, freedom for me would really mean to be able to be connected, work online at home, have a family life, be content being indoors and secure within yourself.


Sayani Gupta

Sayani Gupta

Freedom from hate

I wish the world to be free from hate and a separatist culture propagated by people in power based on religious, racial and caste based differences. We’ve to paddle forward towards a country and world celebrating diversity and uplifting humanity.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: The meaning of freedom has been changing from before the pandemic. Institution subversion of constitutional rights. The pandemic has given it a different twist. It’s unfortunate how people have been suffering across classes but especially the poor. It’s heartbreaking. I just also hope that we take cognizance of what’s happening around us.


Anuup Sonii

Anuup Sonii

Freedom from misinformation

There should be no misunderstanding and fake news. People should start believing in their own readings, cross check before believing or commenting on anything. They shouldn’t blindly start believing things and arguing, and our social media can be little more responsible and to be used well.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: This pandemic has made us understand we can’t take freedom for granted. The general country’s freedom, there were people who died to get us this, we never realised it’s value because we didn’t put in efforts. This pandemic has given a reason to understand for the present generation to realise how important freedom is.


Aftab Shivdasani

Aftab Shivdasani

Freedom from greed, jealousy and ignorance

I wish for a world that’s compassionate, respectful and loving towards each other and all sentient beings on our planet. These truly are the dark times, and one has to think about the future generations and the well being of the planet.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: This pandemic has taught us to respect and appreciate the basic fundamental right — freedom. Freedom to go out, interact with others, go to a restaurant or even go out to buy groceries. Those who’re meant to learn from this pandemic will learn and grow as people and be more responsible towards life.


Shriya Pilgaonkar

Shriya Pilgaonkar

Freedom from the toxic environment

I hope and pray that the world rids itself of this pandemic and the suffering. These past few months we’ve seen the best and worse of humanity . The world needs more kindness and empathy which is the only way to help each other in these tough times.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: This year has been a life-changing wake up call for the world that life and all the little moments that gave us joy can’t be taken for granted. It has made me realise at a much deeper level that freedom comes with responsibility and each one of us has that towards the planet and towards each other.


Gurmeet Choudhary

Gurmeet Choudhary

Freedom from negative energies

I want the world to be free from all the bad energies that’s surrounding it. I want everyone to feel free, feel light, talk to each other, be wise, go with the flow, because this too shall pass and we are all in this together .

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: I not only got comfortable with this new pattern but also fell in love with my freedom because that got me closer to my books. I realised that freedom is roaming without the mask and taking in the fresh air, freedom is hugging your friends tight, freedom is all those little small things we took for granted.


Anupriya Goenka

Anupriya Goenka

Freedom from fear and judgement

We function in many ways out of fear at the core of it. I want to do more things unabashedly. Just to stop living in fear at all, and live life to the fullest. Also, we’re perennially judging people and circumstances. That needs to change to give each other more benefit of doubt, and receive each other with more compassion.

Covid-19 redefined freedom as: Today, the definition of freedom is to be free to value things that matter to us truly. To self introspect, have the time to pursue hobbies, be with our loved ones and the value of their love, compassion, and having just one cup of tea, and enjoy it to the fullest.