Thousands of parents in the capital city are spending restless days as they have no clue about how to get united with their children studying in the metro-based colleges amid lockdown.

Ajit Kumar Sinha and his wife Felicita Kullu, residents of Lodipur, are worried for the past couple of days as their daughter, pursuing post-graduation in Mumbai since one year, is stuck in the metro city amid the lockdown. With all the state borders sealed and modes of transportation coming to an unprecedented halt, they are haplessly waiting for an order from the government to get their children back home safely.

Father Sinha regrets decision to not convince his daughter to visit them during the Holi vacation. He said, “I would have not let her go amid this Covid -19 spread had she visited us (for Holi). She was insisting that she had to stay in Mumba due to her assignments and on-the-job training so we allowed her to stay there. Suddenly, nationwide lockdown was announced and we were left with no transportation facility to reach to her.”

Her mother shared that video calling and the internet is the only source left stay in touch. “We talk to her at least four times a day. We guide her to take preventative measures and cautiously use essentials goods. Every night we go to bed with a heavy heart, praying to god for her well-being”, sighed Kullu.

Vibha Devi, a resident of Mithapur, is facing a similar situation as her daughter is stuck in Punjab, where she had gone to pursue higher studies. She said, “Most of my daughter’s classmates have vacated the hostel. We got no time to call her back as all modes of transportation, including bus, train and flight operations got suspended one by one.”

“She is getting food in the hostel but I am worried about her other daily needs. She is not allowed to go out of the hostel room. We play online games with her to keep her engaged”.

Resident of Boring Road, Radha Mishra, whose daughter is pursuing MBA in Kolkata, said, “Ir am worried how my daughter will manage to survive amid the crisis. We never faced such insecurity before. I hope the lockdown would not be extended further.”

Sanjay Kumar and his wife Meena Sinha are counting restless days as their two children are stuck in Mumbai and Delhi respectively .

Kumar expressed that children remain young for the parents no matter what age they attain. “Though, both of my children are working professionals in their 20s, their parents our concern is still as same as they were young.”

“Both children assure us that they are taking good care of themselves but their father and I know how restless we feel”, lamented Sinha..