NTR district police seized Rs 8 crores of cash at a check post from a pipe-loaded lorry in the district and detained two persons in connection with the case on Thursday morning. The money was being transported from Hyderabad to Guntur.
Chandra Shekhar, Jaggaiahpet Circle Inspector said, “NTR district police seized Rs 8 crores cash at the Garikapadu check post in NTR district. The money was discovered in a pipe-loaded lorry in a separate cabin and two individuals have been detained. The money was being transported from Hyderabad to Guntur.”
Chandra Shekhar said that further action will be taken by the EC officials and flying squad team.
“We will hand over this amount to the district scrutiny teams, and further action will be taken by the EC officials and flying squad team,” he added. (ANI)