
Starting the day with too-high expectations from others is not a great strategy today, dear Aries. Doing your own thing is probably most satisfying and reliable! Instead of waiting for people to sense what you want or need, express yourself and take action, or wait for a more cooperative atmosphere to do so. While emotions can be inflamed, you become more objective as the day advances, and this can make a big difference in your mood. You are in great shape for pouring concentrated energies into a learning endeavor or pet cause later today and tomorrow. It can be a fine time for devoting yourself to something you care about. Problem-solving comes easily, although you’re not necessarily using the traditional routes — you tend to move towards conclusions intuitively now.


Today and tomorrow are relatively strong for money and business matters, dear Taurus. You’re in a good position to assess the value of things. Relationships can be tricky to navigate early in the day if you feel blocked or if you feel someone is trying to steer your wheel. Drawing on patience may be the best choice right now, as the day’s energies can improve by leaps and bounds as it advances. You could find that pouring your energies into something that would benefit from extra determination and dedication is most satisfying. You’re able to set right the things that have come out of balance as you see them more clearly. New ideas and plans can emerge with a friend, and shared dreams can boost a bond.


It’s best to avoid pushing people or situations early today with the Moon’s tense aspects, dear Gemini. Imbalances and flaws can seem to be magnified in your mind, but this orientation can work for you if you apply it to problems constructively. You might get busy fixing those things in your life that have fallen out of whack. It’s best to keep things light and tune out distractions. As the day advances, emotions tend to smooth out. Helping you to avoid the over-analysis of problem areas and tunnel vision that sometimes comes with this transit is the Moon’s trine to Neptune. You can bring more imagination to what you do, and you might focus on a worthwhile project if you feel inspired, which is quite likely. It’s a fine time for feeling motivated by new studies, projects, or interests. You have the gift of making sense out of the chaos or confusion in other people’s lives, too, and it feels good to contribute.



This can be a time when you learn something valuable about a partner or your deeper desires, dear Cancer, through heaps of self-honesty. You are fearless about facing feelings today, and this attitude serves you well. It’s important to seek ways to help energy flow along, as well as to find moments to refresh your mind. Someone might seek your guidance. A relationship can expand as you share your ideas, or shared intellectual interests and your own unique vision and perspective can boost or prompt a connection. Hashing something out feels right today with both compassion and objectivity in good supply. The Moon continues its transit of your home and family sector today, encouraging safe, secure, and familiar activities. Later, it enters your sector of joy and leisure, prompting a stronger need to share and enjoy yourself.


With the Moon’s transit of your home and family sector today, dear Leo, you crave gentleness and familiarity. It’s not an ideal time for entirely new endeavors or for taking risks. Early today, there can be conflicted feelings and divided attention. It’s wise to consider simplifying things as much as possible on the home front, as this will help you to feel more in charge, not only of your domestic life but of other life departments as well. Life seems less complicated as the day advances. Focused activities are favored, and arriving at a calming acceptance of your current circumstances or to a new perspective on a matter is possible. You’re also gaining a stronger awareness of your spiritual needs. It’s time for emotional renewal.




Things to do can be highly motivating and involving now, dear Virgo, and you can feel pleasantly productive. You might learn some helpful wellness tips that you’re excited to apply to your life. Physical activities can be healing, helping you release stress. It can also be a great day to open up your mind, as brave new insights can be had now. Conversations might help you see your own feelings and ideas more clearly. This is the power of a boosted Mercury in your opposing sign. With it, others can help you see things about or within yourself that you may not acknowledge without this window or perspective. You could find that you quickly become absorbed in researching matters more deeply these days.


New insights can be revealing today, dear Libra, mainly about love, intimacy, and creativity. While it’s not a time for pushing hard, it’s a good time to gently push boundaries or cross the usual thresholds, as you can make great strides with honesty and respect. Conversations with a loved one can be powerful and perhaps lead to cleansing moments. There is intensity today, but it’s largely productive. You might enjoy talking (or thinking) about the past, and you could be feeling quite nostalgic. Some of you can be quite inspired by a partner or love interest to excel not only in a relationship but in other areas of life as well. The Moon continues in your sign but then moves on, and this helps settle you. Regaining emotional equilibrium cannot be underestimated, as it’s behind many good things!


You can be tempted to push beyond the usual mental barriers and get to the heart of a matter today, dear Scorpio, and this can be welcome as it helps you understand a situation. Complicated issues seem to make more sense when you allow your intuition to work for you. Relationships can be on the competitive side at times but can be stimulating or motivating, too, perhaps turning a corner now. Conversations about, with, or on behalf of family can be revealing. Expressing your vulnerability or insecurity can be a relief. A health or work goal can seem more doable. Family or the desire to improve home life can be at the heart of these feelings and goals. This is also a powerful day for creative expression and communication breakthroughs. Today’s Moon transit continues to encourage you to function behind the scenes, where you might find is the most comfortable for the time being, but after the Moon enters Scorpio later today, you’ll crave a stronger connection.


Your words and actions can set an example now, dear Sagittarius. It’s an excellent time for focusing on healing and helping with Mars in a positive relationship with Chiron. Your powers of attraction run high, and there is a sense of moving forward or moving on. You are facing challenges head-on, determined to resolve problems. Still, even if you can’t arrive at a solution, positive vibes and intentions can be useful. There can be some inspiration to draw on, and you may be feeling particularly motivated to develop a creative project or a romance. Doing relationships differently is in order, and you might be surprised at creative workarounds that help you now. If creative flow has been a little inconsistent lately, you can get the shot in the arm you need now to get the enthusiasm back. It’s also a good time for making plans clearer when it comes to family and financial matters. You have a few more days with Mercury in your home and family sector, facilitating conversations and thinking along domestic lines, and today this is enhanced, so take advantage.



You could be taking action on a financial, family, or security matter that puts you in a better place emotionally today, dear Capricorn, and this is satisfying. It’s a fine day for focusing on inner resources and family matters, and you can feel especially dedicated to domestic activities and pursuits, as well as to loved ones. Someone could show you the way towards positive change, and it’s a good idea to be as open as possible to learn from others. You can also experience creative insights now, particularly relating to money-making prospects or better ways to use your stuff. You have things to share, too, so keep the lines of communication flowing, as it’s mutually beneficial.



Your magnetism heightens today, dear Aquarius, and you might choose to use this time for expressing yourself creatively and persuasively. You are putting some of your fears behind you now. You might also enjoy coming to someone’s aid, even if it’s only through good information, or taking charge of a project, especially a personal one. You can feel pleasingly motivated and directed, in fact. Your imagination, creativity, and emotions are playing a large role in your work, studies, or projects and interests now, and the heart or passion you’re putting into the things you do is showing. You can find it quite easy to become absorbed in your pursuits, and perhaps you’re even inclined to retreat into them.


Mars, the planet of action, continues to transit the sign just behind yours, dear Pisces, and this means it’s in your soul and privacy sector, pointing to the need to take things easy. Sometimes, this Mars transit feels like it’s an imposition, but today, Mars forms a creative aspect with Chiron, encouraging activities that ground you and help you heal. Allow yourself to relax and let go of such limiting states of mind as guilt and worry. It’s time to tap into your more creative side, giving it a chance to shine. Fortunately, you’re mentally geared to seek out something positive now, and your thinking may be ahead of its time. Others might notice your intelligence or unique ideas and advice, more so than usual. Conversations with friends or your networks can be rousing and inspiring.