China’s 70-year parade shows economic and military might

China’s Communist Party celebrated its 70th anniversary in power with a parade Tuesday showcasing the country’s economic growth and newest weapons. The nationally televised event opened with a military honor guard carrying the Chinese flag through Tiananmen Square, the country’s symbolic political heart, before thousands of spectators who waved flags. […]

Trump attacks Democrats, Giuliani subpoenaed for Ukraine documents

President Donald Trump attacked the Democratic lawmaker spearheading the impeachment inquiry on Monday as congressional committees subpoenaed his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, for documents related to his dealings with Ukraine. As Trump lashed out at Democratic congressman Adam Schiff, suggesting he should be arrested for “treason,” Australia confirmed that the […]

Voting begins in Afghanistan’s presidential elections

Amid Taliban threats, voting began on Saturday to elect next president for Afghanistan. Almost 9.6 million people have registered to vote in the election, according to the Independent Election Commission. The polls come following a bloody two-month election campaign that was marred by repeated attacks across the war-torn country. Almost […]