Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the Supreme Court’s verdict in the decades old Ayodhya land dispute case shows that any dispute can be amicably solved in the spirit of due process of law.

“The halls of justice have amicably concluded a matter going on for decades. Every side, every point of view was given adequate time and opportunity to express differing points of view. This verdict will further increase people’s faith in judicial processes,” PM Modi tweeted.


A five-bench Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, led by Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, said a temple would be built on the 2.77-acre disputed piece of land in Ayodhya. The top court ordered the central government to allot a 5-acre plot to the Sunni Waqf Board for building a mosque.

PM Modi said the “calm and peace” maintained by 130 crore Indians before the Ayodhya ruling manifests India’s commitment to peaceful coexistence.

“The halls of justice have amicably concluded a matter going on for decades. Every side, every point of view was given adequate time and opportunity to express differing points of view. This verdict will further increase people’s faith in judicial processes,” he added.