Ahead of the official public beta release in May, Google has rolled out Android 11 Preview 3 update. Aimed at the developers, Preview 3 is said to be the final dev version before it starts rolling out to more number of users through the public beta. Google’s Android 11 is expected to be officially rolled out later this year.

The Preview 3 update doesn’t come with significant features but focuses on bug fixes and minor improvements. One of the minor yet useful features for developers is more insight on when an app is closed. The latest update also brings wireless debugging. As the name suggests, it allows the device to debug an Android phone on computer using ADB commands wirelessly. The feature was also spotted in the previous version.

That said, Android 11 is said to bring a slew of new features and improvements for Android users. There’s also a focus on improving the security features. For instance, Android 11 comes with a BiometricPrompt which shows three authenticator levels – strong, weak, and device credentials.

Google is also optimising Android 11 and apps running to leverage 5G network. Already, Samsung and other top phone players have launched 5G phones and are expected to launch this year.

With Android 11, Google will also launch a new way of sharing data wirelessly. Inspired by popular third-party apps, Android 11 launch something called “Nearby Sharing’ or “Fast Share”.

“When sharing files with Fast Share between two Pixel 4 devices, the operation completes successfully, but the UI on the device which receives the file states that it did not receive the file,” read the Android 11 release notes.