Every year, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world on April 22 to show support for environmental protection. Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 and currently includes events which are coordinated by the Earth Day Network in over 193 countries.

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and there is a Google Doodle which has been dedicated to bees, one of the smallest but most important organisms on earth.

The doodle features a bee and a ‘play’ option. When you click on play, a video starts which shows us the significance of bees, who contribute two-thirds of the world’s crops by pollination.


There is also a game where the user guides the bee to pollinate flowers and along the way gets to learn various facts about them. The artwork for the doodle was led by doodler Gerben Steenks, while doodlers Jacob Howcroft and Stephanie Gu were responsible for the engineering aspect.

The purpose of the doodle is to make people aware of the importance bees have in our lives.