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ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr. 20)

There are certainties and involvements which can never be broken. However, you must make minor adjustments if you are to continue to live an existence that is fulfilling and satisfying from a personal point of view. Hopefully, you haven’t backed yourself into too much of a corner.

TAURUS (Apr. 21 – May 21)

Now that Venus, the planet of love, is offering you gentle encouragement, you must take one or two important steps. The first is to acknowledge that other people have the advantage. The second is to stand back and allow them to enjoy their period of dominance.


GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)

Try to think of possession or personal contact you are losing as something that you might be better off without. You know better than anyone that your future happiness depends more than anything on a change of attitude. Strangely, it would probably also do partners good if you alter your opinions.

CANCER (June 22 – July 23)

In spite of the many obstacles that circumstances are placing in your path, the long-term plan is still working in your favour. Never imagine that you are powerless in the face of fate. You’re not, and if there’s anything astrology can teach you, then it’s how to create your own future.

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